“How ‘bout you have somethin’ really tasty for me for dinner when I get home.” He suggested.
He asks very little and I was eager to grant his request – although, in my mind I was thinking, “shoot, do I have enough time to make chicken cordon bleu? The kids still need to do their reading homework and have baths . . .” But I responded willingly, “Name it."
“Oh, I don’t know,” he hesitated.
“I’m serious,” I said, “just tell me what you want and I’ll make it.”
“Well,” he said, “how about grilled cheese?”
“Grilled cheese?? Really?” I asked – slightly relieved and slightly incredulous.
“Yah, but lots of grilled cheese, not a wimpy amount. . . . And maybe a little apple-juice – if we have some.”
Well, I didn’t have apple juice, but by George, that man was going to get a little apple juice with his grilled cheese! I ran to the store and got some, and I made FOUR of the best grilled cheese sandwiches ever!! I do like that Mike.