Saturday, February 14, 2009

Several of you have asked to see more pics of our new house, but let me tell you why you are not seeing those pics. It is because you would see things like this. Wowzers there were a lot of dents, dings and holes in these walls! We also have these nice tall white baseboards, but when I look at them, all I can do is sigh and think, "More work," because they too are scuffed and marked every inch. Also, I think I've been a bit . . . I don't know . . . it is just this house is a very nice house -- you know the old granite counter tops, high ceilings, and other fancy shmancies, but I have not yet adapted my very minimalist style to match (minimalist style was a nice way of saying -- no style). I really am at a loss for what to do to make anything look as good as someone living in a house like this ought to know. I


jami v. said...

oh nancy, nancy. :) every house has "character" marks, and pretty soon your little munchkins will be the ones adding those marks. i feel the same way about my house and all the marks and scuffs and dings and we've only been here a year (and no one lived here before us). i think we all want to see your house, not to critique it, but to have a visual of where you are when you tell us a story. it's like after being at meg's house -- now, when she writes something, i can picture her in her house, in that spot and it's ever so much better. :) ah ... don't feel overwhelmed. it's just a silly house, and it's all good. :)

jami v. said...

i don't mean "silly" as in not great -- a house is great, because it's yours and it's a home... i just meant don't worry about all those dings and marks. it's all good. :) and no one but you probably notices anyway! :) ... oh. i'm probably not making what i'm trying to say any clearer ... but i hope you get it. :) xoxo

Jana said...

Apparently, you lost the rest of the post because there is an "I" hanging out there like a dangling chad. But here I am to comment on what I read.

I have found, whenever I have moved to a new house, that I spend the first month with a list a mile and a half long of what needs to be done (what I feel NEEDS to be done in order to make the house livable). I find we usually get pretty far on the list. Until....

Until our life catches up with us and then suddenly I am 6 or 12 or 18 months down the road and I am looking at that darn list, still, and thinking, "Well, I guess that stain on the carpet wasn't so bad or I would have taken care of it". I think it comes down to a little phrase my friend used to say: A home is not a home until it has my own soap on it and there is no question that the pubic hairs in the corner of the tub are my own! Actually, I think I said it. My friend was just there.

That last part has always made me cringe, and for the first 12 months of my life in any one home, I am always wondering about those when I find them - are they MINE? - but pretty soon, as time goes on, you do actually forget if the scuffs were there before or after your arrival.

Embrace your scuff.

Karen said...

Come see my house. You will feel all better. You should see the damage my children can do in two years. You would also think that it should look like I finished moving in, but no. I don't do that until it is time to sell.

Krista said...

I told people who wanted to see our new house three years ago that this isn't a model home, people actually live here. I like to have a messy home because if someone comes to rob us, they will think someone beat them to it and ransacked the place. JK. It is an effort to keep spotless. When it gets too bad that means it will be time to move again.

Mugsy said...

O Nanc, save yourself a lot of greif and take the extra putty off with a wet towel instead of sand it. Trust me you will be much happier and it is so much easier. If you need to sand a little after great but it takes FOREVVVVVVERRRRRRRRR sanding from the get go. I need to come see your home and Shans new finished basement. Come on Eilene

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