Friday, February 27, 2009

Fixer Upper

Lately I have been falling to little pieces physically. I don't know what is going on exactly or just who on earth my body thinks it is going all skiwampus at its every whim. It's as if every system has just thrown in the towel. I was grumbling about it to Mike the other night complaining that I felt all old and washed up. "I don't want you to have a washed up wife," I whined.

"Oh, you're not washed up," he reassured me, "You're just a fixer upper. A little white wash and you should be good to go."

And lastly, I will add this: Do any of the rest of you nearly gag if you have to swallow multiple pills one after another? I can take one fine, but lately I am taking 4 each morning and 4 each evening and I find myself dreading it. I hum and haw and then finally take them only to end with gagging and shuddering and sputterings of “yuck” and "yeck" and a few more all over body quivers. It isn't like I taste them. I don't know what the problem is. Maybe I have just finally found a quirk, but really, I do not like it at all.


Perla said...

if your wondering who your body thinks it is, it thinks it is me or something. sorry. and sorry about the pills. my only problem is when i have like 8 in my mouth at once and then they get lodged in my throat and i have to gag myself to make them come back up so i can swallow them in smaller numbers.

Liz said...

What's with you guys trying to swallow more than one pill at a time? I think I would gag too. Take one at a time with a little bit of water then wash them all down with a big glass at the end. Then call me in the morning. He-he! Listen to me sounding all NURSY!

Krista said...

Not to be bragging or anything (ha!) I take a handful of vitamins every morning and every night. The worst part is having to go to the bathroom 57 times.

Perla said...

oh, krista, i don't know you but i am really starting to like you. i love that you said, "not to brag or anything" that was hilarious!

Salty Incisor said...

its all about falling apart mid thirties. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Gotta tell ya, Jon and I just read through a couple of posts. I pointed out my favorite bits - and he laughed - and I laughed even harder than the first time - because he was laughing - and well - we were just having a good ole time. He loved "solidarity man" and "fixer upper" (so something he would say)- and the neurosurgeon helping with your slivers. I love you - thanks for the entertainment!

Nancy said...

Bless your little heart, Marzee. I am more than happy to please.

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