Wednesday, February 11, 2009

CatCHIng uP WiTH My KIdS

I love these two paper's Abe brought home from school. In this first one, I love the exclamation mark after what he might name his cat as well as "the 2nd or 3rd term of night." I don't know when that is, but I would hate to have to get up during either of those times.

In this one, I especially love the last sentence. (Also, note the fine handwriting for a second grader. Abe recently got an award for penmanship from his teacher).

Speaking of Abe, he is at that stage where it is pretty much impossible to get him to sit and just give you a plain old normal face for a picture . . . try though I might.

Here is Daisy posing with my little butched bang Penny.

Speaking of Daisy and posing. She is so fun. Most of my kids get very very angry if, perchance, they are crying or grumpy and I try to sneak a picture of them. Daisy, on the other hand, loves that I would find her so cute even amidst her tears and cheers right up. These three pics were taken consecutively yesterday after she claimed Abe pushed her.
What? Did Mom just get the camera out?

Why yes, it appears she did.

And lastly, my little Jesse has been robbed of pictures lately. I've been too swamped to get the camera out. So, it is time we catch up with my little man who turned 2 months just days ago. Lately he has been sleeping like 11 hours at night. What?? I know!


Mugsy said...

So this is what happened. You wnet to moms. Made this post and did what ever mundane thing you needed to do.Then as you loaded your kids up your some called me on accident and I got to listen to your door ding for away in the car and Goldies little voice and than you tell mom by and that you loved her than suddenly without warning it was silent.
So maybe If I call now you will actually answer.

Anyhoo I loved this post as I do all yours. I just needed to see those little people and especially Jesse. I kindof wanted to cru when I saw him because I miss him way to much.....Very cool writings of Abes. And Sir Black sounds like the best name EEEEVERRRR!

Mugsy said...

Why do I not proof read my comments???? They make no sense and some how are spelled so insanely.....

jami v. said...

what a great post - i love abe's writings and i love his silly faces most of all. :) your kids are adorable!! i can't believe how big jesse is getting ... and i want to see more of the house ... post pictures please!! :)

Karen said...

Oh.....your Abe! What a cutie. I love his writing. And the pictures of your kids, make my ovaries hurt. Everyone one of them is darling in there own way.

Jana said...

Those kids look like some kids happy to have a place to call home again! Yes, that was indeed a nice post and can that baby really be two months old???? How did that happend? Very cute. Very sweet. He looks like you your other kids - like he definitely belongs.

Are those beautiful hardwood floors in your new house. I am so nosy as I look at the pictures and spy into the background to see what parts of your new house I can see. Better keep it clean if you posting on the blog again.

Jana said...

Did Karen mean that your kids are darling in their own way, or her ovaries? I have always said my ovaries were darling.

Salty Incisor said...

Oh man oh man those r ssome cute kids. Yes daisy and goldie are getting big and more lovely every day!

Perla said...

i loved those letters from abe, especially, yes, that it was so amazing how he got his hamster to react, even if it didn't really work but it did. luckily he doesn't have my little nephew colby for a brother who recently took his sisters hamster and through it against the wall and killed it. he tells people it ran away and she looks sadly off into the distance and says, "yes, he ran away" even if she knows it was much more horrible.
i miss jesse.

Nancy said...

Alas the hardwood is only in our little front "parlor" I do like the little bit I have though. It is also the first time I've had tile instead of linoleum. It looks good, but is no fun sweeping when crumbs get stuck in the grout parts.

Krista said...

Abe has a great imagination! And he must have your humor. Beautiful pictures!

Amy said...

Nancy the picture of Goldie holding Jesse is, well it sort of made me stop breathing. I love the feeling it evokes. It is beautiful.

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