Friday, April 15, 2011

Dear Spring, Please Come to Stay

Spring? Oh spring, won’t you come? I know I’ve said I don’t mind winter and snow; that I shake my head at all the cry babies complaining about it all through the season, but I really have maybe never been so very anxious for the cold to leave! We are in mid April and we haven’t had more than a small smattering of warm days. Last Saturday I went for a run and spent the whole time with wind plastering snow into my face and eyes. April! Must you?

Anyway, the other day we were all headed out the door to run some errands. I was a bit behind the kids, and when I came out the door, they were playing in the bed of the truck and forcing Abe to run them about in our red wagon. It was still a bit cold, but there was sun, and their colors looked like spring, so, before leaving I had to capture a few moments of sunshine. Their faces in these pictures are exactly what it seems like our lives would be if spring would just come to stay! I even had to quickly use one of the pics to change out my blog header. I liked the other picture (of Goldie and Daisy in red winter coats), but it felt so . . . wintery. I feel like I need to defy winter, or, at least, let spring know that we are eager to greet it!



Liz217 said...

I knew you were a good little photographer - but jeesh some of your photos are amazing! I've enjoyed reading your last five or so entries today. I am so excited for you to have another Boy!!! Just watch out though - one boy is cute and fun and loves his mama - but two boys together are trouble and don't care how sad their mama is when they want to cause mayhem together.

Anna said...

I like the one Jesse with his monkey, the ones of Penny and Goldie together, and the ones of Daisy looking confused at a plant :) you are amazing at taking pictures!

marz said...

I know - I'm so tired of the wet and cold here. Rain, rain - go away!

Jana said...

What kind of a camera do you have? BEcuase all of a sudden, well, maybe not so suddenly because you have had many good pictures on here, you seem to be all Miss Photographer! Even Troy said to me once, "You know, Nancy has a great eye for photography" and just looking at these pictures makes me wonder if its just you and your special eye or if you have a fancy, spiritual camera as well. I fear that if I take a good picture, it is only my spiritual camera to blame. And between you, me, and the wall, I believe my camera is starting to loose its testimony....

Perla said...

haha! jana's camera is losing its testimony!

love the photos. sorry you cant enjoy some of our spring weather. woowee its been nice! but great photos of my beautiful nieces and nephews.

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