Wednesday, August 20, 2008


My kids tell me a lot of jokes. Most of them don’t make an ounce of sense and occasionally, when I have been forced to participate in an excessive amount of knock knock jokes, I must admit, I’ve wondered if The Chinese Water Torture would offer a similar experience. It occurred to me awhile back that I have never met a kid who didn’t love to tell a good joke (or a bad joke – not bad like inappropriate, bad like . . . not funny), and perhaps it is simply that joke telling is an important developmental milestone every child must reach. So, I am, at least, happy to know my children are developing properly and reaching all necessary stages of life, but I am extra happy that one of them is now old enough to tell me real jokes. Today Abe asked me this:

Abe: A man went on a trip on Friday. He stayed for two days and then returned on Friday. How is that possible?
Me: I don’t know.
Abe: Friday was his horse!

Since I have never been capable of recalling good jokes (the only one I can ever consistently bring to mind is Q: What do you call a dog with no legs? A: It doesn’t matter, he still won’t come), I think I will now put Abe in charge of teaching his sisters a thing or two.


The San Diego Mills said...

Kid jokes are not so funny, that's true. I've heard quite a few of those in my day, that's for sure. (Not from Addy of course, but from a whole lot of 2nd graders!) I must say though I actually enjoy those jokes on the popsicle sticks. Not that they're ever laugh out loud funny, but they are usually at least punny.

missy said...

That's a good one! I'll have to tell it to my nephew who is also very into jokes right now.

P.S. I'm so happy you got a new camera, I love seeing all your pics... you are so talented!

Jana said...

I am not a patient joke mom. It is very much like the Chinese Water Torture - although I'm not sure what that is.... is that where older brothers drop water into your eyes, one drop at a time...? Because that's what my brother did and I always wondered if Chinese people really did that - for fun or for punishment. I haven't seen it on the olympics so it must be for punishment.

Joe loves all the "What do you call a man with no arms and no legs" jokes. He has now taught them to my older kids. The littler kids don't get them - they are still stuck on the knock knocks which I have no patience for. Sometime I will have to post all the "no arms/no legs" jokes. That would be funny. But maybe not coming from the wife of a physiatrist who deals with "no arms and no legs" on a daily basis. Yeah, maybe not so good.

Mugsy said...

So cute, at least they aren't made up like Con's. his last one
C- what do you call a kearnal (Colonel) nocked upside the head?
Me- Hmmmmmmm don't know
C- noccolonel get it like nocturnel

Nancy said...

What!!?? Connor's joke is freakin' awesome. Send him to my house and you can have Goldie with her, "what do you get when you mix a dinosaur and a rock?" "A bird! HAHAHA"

Salty Incisor said...

that really is a good joke

Salty Incisor said...

he might be a genious

Salty Incisor said...

that's genius! for the smart people out there

Perla said...

niiiice...grace can occasionally tell a real joke now. the best was at the kindergarten talent show last year when a kid in the class that everybody thinks is so funny got up and told a very long, boring joke that had to punch line. yet when he was done, he just smiled at everybody and all the kids burst out laughing. i do think it is some social thing that is good for kids, even if i have to shut down the nonsense knock-knock jokes after each kid has had 15 or so.

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