This picture is blurry, but I like how Jesse appears to be looking off at some exciting thing in the distance -- something he has been waiting for that has only just appeared on the horizon.
Penny continues to more fully take on her role as entertaining toddler, which Mike and I both love for all the laughs it gives us. On Sunday Mike was eating some of his Father's Day Pringles. Penny kept asking for more and more chips. Finally Mike told her, "No more chips." She wandered for a moment -- pondering. Then returned to say, "How bout one for Dais?" So Mike handed her a chip for Daisy and said, "OK, go give it to Daisy." Penny looked him straight in the eyes as she shoved the chip into her mouth and garbled out, "I don't have one."

And Jesse. Oh Jesse. He is possibly the easiest baby I have had and I've had some pretty easy ones (saving of course my dear angel Daisy who I loved fiercely but who nearly drove me to a nervous breakdown with her utter refusal to sleep EVER for about nine or ten months despite month long attempts at crying it out, music boxes, co-sleeping, etc.) But really, he is just so easy and pleasant. I worry I neglect him because he demands so very little. He generally sleeps through the night. If he does wake up I just give him a little pat to soothe him and he says, "Yes, thank you. That was silly of me to bother you. Now I'll go straight away back to sleep." What a nice nice little boy I have!