Thursday, January 15, 2009

Slightly Unreasonable

Oh, chuckle chuckle. After reading my comment about over exaggerating on my last post, my friend Sarah reminded me of how we used to tease her for her own exaggerations, and here is why: she did not know how to exaggerate.

Sarah and I were roommates in Israel (along with our other Sarah and Jill). I never realized how much I myself exaggerated things until they began pointing it out to me. It turns out that things were always taking me ten million hours, or it was eight billion degrees outside, etc., and they called me on it. The thing is, that kind of exaggeration doesn't seem so bad . . . I mean at least you know it is that -- exaggeration. I mean when is it eight billion degrees outside? I'm not even certain if it is on the sun.

But Sarah, dear Sarah. She was just too honest for her own good. She'd attempt to stress something to us by using the useful tool of exaggeration, but it just wouldn't take. No, she just couldn't quite allow herself to say something that was obviously so far from the truth. So what Sarah became was this: slightly unreasonable. She would say things like, "I've been drinking so much today! I swear I've had like eleven glasses of water." And we'd sort of purse our lips and think, "Hmmm. Really eleven? Or not quite eleven? I mean I guess you could have had eleven." Yes, I love that about you Sar! I miss your slightly unreasonable statements and hope you still make them!

Lastly, and totally unrelated, I had just finished giving Abe and Daisy a fairly severe lecture as we were driving the other day when Penny pronounced, "A-men!!" I am not certain if she was just saying, "I am in total agreement with mom," or if my lecture sounded the same as my prayers to her.


Jana said...

You know, Penny and I are a lot alike because often when I read your blog, all I can think is "Amen".

Honestly, that is one of the funniest things I think you've shared here in the place that is all about your thoughts.

Almost as funny as me running around this morning for 2 and a half hours in 0 degrees - and that is NOT and exaggeration!!!! - to deliver 67 loaves of bread!!!! Of course, though, I was driving - because you know me, I don't run. That was, ironically given the post, another exaggeration.

Sarah said...

I am lol. Those were the days! You need to get on facebook and check out the pictures that Jessica Howard, can't remember maiden name, posted from Israel!

Perla said...

i love hyperbole and hypobole. and if your lecture sounded like a prayer, than that is great news. my lectures are usually quite a bit louder and not-nicer sounding than my prayers.

BS and the Kids said...

Oh the sweet memories of those exaggarations. I still love thinking about it and loved the post. Which reminds me, we need to get together....

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