Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Geez Wednesday is spelled weird.

Nevertheless, and without further delay, Wednesday's moment: a Strange but Not Surprising Moment with the Boy Child Jesse.

First off, I really love these little trouble seeking feet. Except for about the first five minutes after a bath, they are always a bit scuffed and dirty on the bottom. My very favorite way of seeing them is when they are stretched their very uttermost on tip toes trying to reach something. I've told you how he occasionally stops to say, "Hi," to his feet -- perhaps he thinks they deserve some recognition for carrying him about all the places he needs gettin.' He does put a lot of demands on them. I must agree about them deserving recognition because I don't think a day goes by with out me kissing them and saying hi to them as well.Only, here's what they were doing just now -- dragging our stool to the microwave so they could climb little Jesse up; thereby allowing him to . . .
That's right. Cook a nectarine. When I heard the microwave going I came running, but he'd stopped it already himself. I guess to check on how his little meal was coming. (Notice that the nectarine already has a few test bites taken out of it. Also notice the sticker is still on -- which means it was neither washed nor given to him. Also notice the missing little turn table? Yes, that's out on purpose. You would take it out too if Jesse was your son).

Mmmm. Warm nectarine.
P.S. I left to take Abe to violin tonight and warned Mike about the extra amount of chair and stool dragging that Jesse was doing to enable mischief today. When I came home Mike told me that Jesse did indeed drag chairs to forbidden destinations, but was always stopped from further action simply by the look Mike gave him. Sheesh. My "look" doesn't pause him for even a second!


marzee said...

Did he even realize mommy was watching and taking all those pictures? Mr. Sneakerson isn't so sneaky. Not when he's caught on camera.

Perla said...

that is awesome. you know what isn't awesome? the little microwave in the apt down here starts on fire inside a lot with some really scary laser sounds to go with it. luckily the kids are terrified of the microwave. can you ask mike to find me one of ksl for $10? when i'm warming miles bottle i always back far away from the microwave and cover my womb because this one is not exactly what i think would be considered safe. come kids listen to their dads so easily?

Nancy said...

Oh Shan, I can tell you are up late at night reading these posts because you are your funniest late at night and these have been some awesome comments. I read this one out loud to Mike and we laughed and laughed because he said, "Tell her sure, I'll find her a used one, but you also might want to add that that one she is using is a used one I found as well." And that is true -- he got it when he was in GA. And I think it used to work well, but I do recall that even when we were there it made some creapy crackling noised that i felt simply weren't right. Please stop using that fire starting laser microwave this instant. P.S. Remember when Marcus tried to cook some instant macaroni in its metal pouch at Amy's?

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