Saturday, March 7, 2009

And, in other less traumatic news . . .

Free Soil!
Or maybe not free. I don't know. I can't decide wether or not a soil should be judged by what it has previously grown. I am happy that it has made its way from our basement to this corner of our yard though. That's something. I took this picture when Mike was nowhere near done with bringing up loads. And, for those of you who don't know what on earth this is all about, well, you'll just have to keep wondering (but know this, we were not the original owners of this soil).

There are moments like this:

And this:

(Goldie made my bed and unloaded the entire dishwasher when I was having trouble getting anything done yesterday).

And then there are the moments that are somewhat less charming, like when Penny removed her diaper after having pooped in it yesterday. (I know some of you have had that happen far too many times, but it was my first). Lovely for me, I just saw her running toward me half naked and laughingly scooped her into my arms before I realized just what was going on. Shudder.

Incidentally, I bought her a little toilet the other day because awhile back she'd been seeming interested in the idea. Now, however, she is determined to yell no to any suggestion ever given, so we've had no luck getting her to use it. It wasn't a total waste though. It has proved to be a convenient little stepping stool allowing her to more easily access things like my makeup drawar.

Lastly, there are loads of moments like this:
The "little things left about" moments that simply make you pause and go, "Huh."


Jana said...

In one of the houses we looked at to rent when we first moved to this here town had a basement that was listed as partially finished. Now that to me meant that was cement and have living space. But oh no, imagine my surprise when half of the basement was living space and the other half of the basment was DIRT!!!!

So now you must indeed share the story and tell me if Mike had to dig out the other half of your basement!

jami v. said...

yes, motherhood. amazing what new surprises it brings every single day! :)

as always, i love the photos ...

ps-sorry about the poopy little one running toward you. been there before. it's never a pretty mommy moment!

Krista said...

Your gardening is giving me guilt. I'm still an invalid and can use that as my excuse for a little while....

Screwed Up Texan said...

Thanks for "hopping" on by. I started in the middle and will be backtracking and making things aboutmy life more clear. New post tomorrow and then also on Friday.

I read your post...we had to put safety locks on my makeup drawers and a lock on the fridge when our kiddos got to that age. Motherhood is always a new adventure everyday.

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