Wednesday, March 25, 2009

What to Blog

Think. Think. Think. What to blog about? Hmmm. Oh, who am I trying to kid. More like: What NOT to blog about. I could blog about anything from my recent rekindling of an old love between myself and chocolate Twizzlers, to Abe's little army guy that I somehow vacuum up and manage to save practically every time I vacuum, to Daisy recently paying Abe to play with her, to Mike refusing to learn Pig Latin, to our dreamy new primary class, to my thoughts on certain words, to admitting that I am just like the rest of the world (when I know it is cooler to NOT be) in that I love LOST, to Goldie wanting a real fairy for her birthday. Heck, I could even write some spiritual insights I've had of late. In fact, I could even do a little bit of ranting about some issues that frustrate me a great deal. But I don't know that I want to rant here. Ranting is saved special like for one of my sisters to hear over the phone. You know, the conversations that end with, "Thanks for letting me rant and not thinking I'm crazy. I just needed to get that off my chest." Here a rant might just make some of you who don't know me better think I really am crazy and, well, heaven forbid.

Anyway, all I'm saying is, there is no shortage of things for me to post post post. I am generally not a very big fan of improv., but sometimes I feel like having improv. night here on my blog. You know, where you would just all throw out a subject and I would blog away. But now, oh dear, I've just mentioned all the things I could blog about and, without realizing what I was doing, left myself with exactly what I said wasn't the problem -- nothing to blog about. I just threw out my whole arsenal of topics that quick. Huh, well, if I haven't just blogged myself right into a corner, thrown out the baby with the bath water, and all of that. I've faithfully tramped myself about in nothing but a big circle I guess, because now I am back to this: Think. Think. Think. What to blog about?


Anonymous said...

oh, nance! you are so funny. this post gave me such a good chuckle! and sorry about no caps, but i can only do my blogging one-handed while nursing lewis. :)

Perla said...

you always make me laugh, sister. i haven't heard a good rant in awhile. you are probably worried i'd start crying. but feel free. and don't worry, i'll get goldie a real fairy. haha. how sad. i am pretty sure that addie has asked for the same thing.

Liz said...

I love Lost too! I just can't wait until I have time to watch my recorded episode. The only bad part is that I find myself cursing every time it finishes way too soon for my own selfish satisfaction!

jami v. said...

hehe ... funny. :) i love your blog thinkings ...

Ogden High said...

OK, you have talked me into it I'LL BE THE FAIRY at Goldie's birthday party. Let me know when it is and I will get out my costume.

Mugsy said...

So maybe it is good that some of those were all summed up together in one post.JK I would however love to hear more of Daisy having to pay her brother to sad...and Mike refusing to pig latin with you. Now those are some seriously good blogging

Krista said...

I have nothing to blog about - work, PT three times a week, voice lessons with Ali once a week. Even though I have a disclaimer on my Twisted Tales, they were running way too parallel with my life. (Just kidding, except Mimi's bear Brady really said the prayer one night.)

marzee said...

You are funny. Love it!

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