Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Beautiful Beautiful Kids

It is that time of year again . . . the time of year when the kids start wanting the trampoline set up. I love this time of year because it means that my kids are outside more! It is light later, they aren't coming in with quite such muddy shoes and they are so happy outside playing!

Seriously, aren't kids' faces just pretty much beautiful? I love love to look closely at their perfect little features. And what I love most is that their features do seem perfect. I don't know what happens as we get older and why we start to have more narrow thoughts about what is beautiful because in children, crooked teeth, round cheeks, messy hair, pug little noses, whatever the features -- they are all charmingly perfect. Sooo . . . I had to take a few closeups of my kids out enjoying the trampoline.

Jesse is a no show in these pics because he was sleeping. Abe got a little cheated in the picture taking business because he went somewhere with Mike shortly after the trampolining started, but here is a picture of him the other day before getting his hair cut. I like it long; Mike likes it short; so we just go -- long, butched, long, butched back and forth. No matter how his hair is, there is no getting around the fact that he is a cute kid. He loves loves to read. He and Mike have this little tradition of buying used old books when ever they are off alone together (even though I always grumble because it just means more "stuff" around when we could check out all the books we want from the Library), but they like it and whenever they do, Abe will be reading non stop for the next week. I know most parent's really really want their kids to love reading, but you can tell things have gone a bit too far when you wake up at 2:30 am because you notice some lights are on, and your 2nd grade son has decided to wake up and do a little sneaky reading!


Jana said...

Yes, I do so like me some close up pictures of the kiddies. Their little pudgy cheeks just seem so nice the closer you get to them. I reckon I may be one of those aunties or grandmas that might resort to the pinching of cheeks.

Mugsy said...

O I love that little Abe and his reading. I just have to say how lucky I am Con loves to read, because you know what a bad mom I am when it comes to reading. And everyone knows the single most important thing you can do for a child in this universe is read to them. Appearantly there are greater forces at work than me whan it comes to my kids.
I love the pictures and especially the little thoughts about how narrow minded we become as adults. Your children like all are perfect! I also like that you aren't afraid to say your children are beautiful and perfect, it's easy to feel like you don't want to brag but the truth of the matter is, when it comes to our little ones we should praise and brag nonstop. What "perfect" little gift from our Heavenly Father they are. I love you and those little people of yours. O and Mike too....Of course.

Karen said...

My first child is a sneaky reader too.

Your children are beautiful!

missy said...

You're so right! Children are beautiful and I think their quirky imperfections make them even cuter! But lets be honest here, your kiddos are among the cutest of them all! And I really need some photography pointers... why do my boys run and hide the second I pull out the camera? Do you use bribes?
(It's so good to see you guys all settled into your new home! We miss you guys!)

jami v. said...

yes, very cute kids! i think you are so on that we somehow grow to think beauty changes ... interesting thought :) and spring is great when they are outside and loving it ... :) (ok. i love it too!!)

Nancy said...

Oh Missy, you're so nice. I have no photography skills other than chasing them around taking a million in the hopes that some will turn out!

Perla said...

hey, great photo taking! i am partial to these kids in particular, but i definitely agree that they are beautiful! but it is cool what you mean about how we just think everything is so wonderful but then as we get older we all have to have everything conform to what the world tells us is attractive for a nose, eye shape, face shape, body shape, etc.
looks like daisy is about to lose some teeth???

Nancy said...

Yah, Shan, that is exactly what I was trying to say. Why can't we just see every different adult feature as unique and beautiful. Hmmm. And yes, Daisy's two front teeth are barelky barely hanging in there and pushing each other all crazy back and forth.

I can't even type to you with out thinking Finn Finn Finn FInn.

Madsens said...

Hey Nancy, It is so true!! Lil' kids faces are so precious, no matter what they look like!! I'm so jealous because my camera started working again, so I never bought one. Then it froze up again so I can't even get my pics off! Hopefully I can get them and post soon!! Ashton loved looking at those pics. of your kids. And I scrolled way down to the video of Goldie singing and he just giggled all the way through it!! So cute! He misses her!

Rhonda said...

Your kids are SO beautiful!!! I love the girls' red and white tops-- you dress your kids so cute! Thanks for taking and posting these great pics!

Amy said...

Apparently you don't need no stinkin expensive camera, lenses or special classes to get great photographs. These are amazing!!
Love ya

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