Thursday, January 4, 2024

Christmas Day 2023

Oh Christmas morning is so much fun.
I didn't get as many pictures of this little person as I'm wont to do. (She was right next to my feet so it wasn't the easiest angle for capturing her.) But here she is with her pink boots. (Buying her any clothes ever is a risky business as she will wear so few things, but pink is at least a safer bet.)
Ninja Calico Critters? Yes.
(Not American Girl dolls, but a much more reasonably priced alternative.)
Daisy got mostly games--as she loves games more than anyone else in the family (and is often lamenting the fact that nobody will play them often enough with her). I enjoyed playing her new Blank Slate though--just the type of uncomplicated game that is up my alley. "Can I play it while lying on the couch?" I'd asked. The answer was yes, and I was in.
New jiu-jitsu gi.
That's right: new undies. (But pajamas too.)
This was one of the best gifts. This version has all the pictures on one card you can slide in and out. I got it for Daisy so she could make her own versions, and she quickly found an online template to make it so. There was lots of laughter as she determined various sets to make and who to put on them. So far she's made a favorite-cartoon-characters one and a Lord of the Rings one (yes it includes Bill the Pony and the moth that Gandalf whispered to when trapped on Orthanc--you're in trouble if you decide on one of those and the first question is "Is it an animal?").
Watching Daisy work on Guess Who boards. (Upcoming version ideas include a family one, an ancestor one for FHE lessons, and a Pokemon one.)
On Christmas Night we drove down to Mike's parents', and then I took the younger kids with me a bit further south to my mom's house to read some Christmas books.
I love Hans's face here.
Some out-of-order pictures from morning again.
Abe pausing present opening to get himself a lovely breakfast of sprite mixed with apple juice and ... Ritz and easy-squeeze cheese. 
And! Our Goldie girl. Oh we miss her being here with us! She messaged a few photos from opening her presents that morning and later called for all of the kids to eagerly tell her about their presents.
This bracelet I had made for her has part of her mission scripture engraved on it: "shall we not go on in so great a cause?".
Some Pokemon cards the kids seemed to think would be funny to send to her. 

It was a very Merry Christmas.

1 comment:

Marilyn said...

Hahhaa, Abe. Weird Christmas snacky meals are so good. I've never seen those guess who things but they look fun! And I'm glad you got Goldie Sharpies. I could get Sharpies for every holiday and always be happy. I don't even use them for that many things! But I just like to have them, the idea of having them, and having them in every color.

Best part of this post, though, was "Can I play it while lying on the couch." Hahaha! Yes! That is my #1 criterion for a game.

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