Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Great Plan

The other night the winds never did make it this far, but the night wasn’t completely still and peaceful either. There were disturbances from a crying baby, an eight year old crawling into bed next to me, lights left on (presumably by little ones who had woken to use the bathroom?) but, most notably, there was Jesse -- my poor little asthmatic -- who had woken with one of his characteristic coughing fits and come to find me.

20 minutes of inhaling-Albuterol-through-his-nebulizer later, I bundled him up in his penguin blanket (“Pingu blanky”), slung sock-monkey next to him, and carried him back to bed. As I bent down to stick him on the lower bunk, I whispered, “I’m glad you came and got me when you were having a hard time breathing.”

“Yah,” he said sleepily, closing his eyes and snuggling out of my arms and into the mattress, “It was my great plan when I knew I was sick.”

As I gently pulled my hands free of him and tiptoed from the room, I nearly laughed . . . and then nearly choked out a little sob.

That was it? That was his “great plan” when in distress? “Go find Mom”?

The absurdness as well as the responsibility of those words settled onto me as I headed back to my own bed. How much can I actually solve? How much can I fix? Not much, really. Thank the Lord for Albuterol. But for most problems that arise in my little ones’ lives at this stage, “Go find Mom” is probably the depth and breadth of their solution. It is a humblingly large weight, particularly, knowing as I do, how much exists that I won’t be able to fix with a dose of medicine and a tuck back in bed. But, somehow, it still feels like a tremendous privilege to be the “great plan”, the single solution, for the troubles that come to them, and, I find myself almost tearfully wishing that that could be enough. That for the rest of their lives, when any difficulty or trial came their way, they could simply think, “I better go find Mom.” And, in turn, I would be able to make it all come right again.
And . . . pics from the cell phone! (The tractor pictures of Penny and Jesse were actually from Mike’s phone – which is probably about as old and non-smart phoney as any phone in existence. How he got such great photos is beyond me.)


(This post also appeared on Mormon Mommy Blogs.)


Perla said...

Awesome. You're the best writer and photographer ever! Love this post. So tender and humbling!

Linn said...

Goodness, I haven't commented on your blog for a long time (there is a lot going on at our house), but this post made me cry. Thank you so much for sharing. It was absolutely beautiful!

Val said... I love this 'go find mom' great plan!

MSJ Med said...

Finding mom is the best plan! How sweet. Great writing!

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