Rockaway Beach
I took roughly 800 million photos on this trip. It was very hard to narrow it down to only "some" for my blog. I just kept thinking sadly how it may be years and years before we visit the ocean again. By chance, Mike and I have seen quite a bit of the ocean during our marriage. Mike's previous job sent him to CA quite a bit and we'd tag along. Then we spent a month on St. Simon's Island in GA. Living up here in the North West we've managed to spend a weekend at the beach now and then. Our kids have been in on most of these trips, and it makes me sad to think that fates might not be taking us so frequently to the ocean once we move. So I kept thinking my sentimental little thoughts and taking picture after picture.
This was a really fun trip. We stayed at a little beach house for three nights. We spent a lot of time at the beach, went to a rodeo, and Mike took the kids out in our little boat to check out some sea lions hanging out across the bay. Our kids especially loved that we invited our friends the Madsens for a night. They have three kids of their own and were watching two little cousins for the weekend as well, so there were nine kids in all, but they were so good, got along great (maybe too great -- Daisy and the 6 year old cousin seemed loathe to part and kept assuring each other they could use their parent's email to communicate), and ohhh they had a great time. The weather up here is generally a little chilly at the ocean. I tried to brave a swim suit one day but ended up in a sweatshirt (in fact I pretty much always have that red sweatshirt on -- someone ought to buy me a new one). The kids, however, didn't seem to mind any amount of cold. Now for the pictures . . . 

The friends arrive to splash in the waves, build ferocious sandy sea turtles, make dams, and just provide all around fun for our kids. . . . (This first pic is of Goldie with her best friend Ashton. She adores him and pretty much wants to be with him constantly. Mike and I joked that in a few years time we will not be inviting a boy that one of our daughters says she "loves" on any family over nighters).

Goodbye ocean . . . sniffle sniffle :(
I love love love the ocean! I have only been two or three times in my life and one of those times was when you and I went boogie boarding-still one of my favorite pictures! I also love the pics you took. The one where one of your girls-is it Daisy?-is bending over a bucket with the sun setting in the background is priceless. It's always sad when you know your life is going to change drastically and you are going to lose some part of it, but hopefully you will gain other things that will make it worth it.
I so feel your pain that you will not be at the ocean again for a while. I did the same thing when I left a few weeks ago. It is like saying good bye to a good friend. Your beach looked huge and fun. Very fun. I loved that you got to build a fire - I have never done that on a beach and have only dreamed about it since I watched Karate Kid and saw that they did that at their teenager hang out party. (Instead of doing drugs at a teenager party in a basement, mind you). Your life will be full of a lot of "lasts" in the next little while. That is always hard for me. I always hate that feeling of "That is the last time I will eat there" and stuff like that. I should not get so tearful over good burgers and such the same. But moving is hard and full of lasts but around the corner are all the firsts and that is almost more fun! So goodbye ocean - hello Great SL?????
These are great pictures!!! I love the close-up one of Daisy with dirt all over her face...and I love the sunset ones. Those swimsuits are darling. I'm glad you guys had such a fun weekend!
What lovely pictures those are, some of them look as though they were taken by a professional photographer. I too love going to the beach. I really don't love going in the water. (I have a real phobia of water that I can't see the bottom of!) I do love just sitting around on a towel and soaking in the rays. It's just very relaxing! We need to go more often. I think when Addy's just a bit older and can actually play on the beach like your kids, it will be more fun to go.
nancy-i'm an ocean lover too. sitting listening to the waves is right up there with sitting in the mountains... just something so calming and amazing. you are lucky to have been so close. such great photography -- i love the moments you've captured. :)you may not have as many ocean moments after your move :) but you're about to have other, just as wonderful moments too ... :)
ps--are the madsens you know related to anyone in brigham city?
Jami, I know they have family in Preston, but I don't think Brigham City.
Thanks everyone for reminding me of the adventures ahead. Sometimes uncertainty about the future is at least a little exciting.
what AWESOME photos, nank. and you shouldn't be sad that you upload a lot because you will be very grateful once you start to make your blog book. mine is finally almost finished so that i can get it printed and we can see what to do (or not do) to make yours even better. of course i will have more to come.
there is always a nostalgia and a longing and loss at leaving things behind that you may not see for awhile or, perhaps, ever. very sad but part of life and moving on to the next adventure!
ps when do we ever get to see an ultrasound picture?
Who knows about the ultrasound pic. I turn 20 weeks like the day before we leave to visit in July, but they aren't doing my ultrasound til I get back. I'm actually nervous to get it because I'm afraid they'll accidentally say something that gives away what I am having and ruin the surprise!
hey I have missed alot I thought you were nt going to blog as much! I am jealous about your little coastline family fun!
Oh how I love the ocean! So, why is it then that Sweets and I have only been like a couple times in the last 10 yers together!?
I love looking at it and smelling it and hearing it and touching it....I am so glad you took lots of pictures!
Well done. It looked like an awesomely fun trip.
Nancy seriously you are such an amazing photographer. I love those pics so much. And what a cool place to be.
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