Look at these pictures. I know it looks like such a darling little baby bump, and it is (particularly because I looked through 300 pictures until I found the ones that made me look ten times skinnier than I really am – I get particularly truthful when it is late and I am tired), but it's the earliness of the bump’s appearance that calls its cuteness into question. I am 15 weeks but it has been quite obvious since about 9. I look at pictures of me with my first pregnancy and even at 21 weeks there wasn’t much sign of anything going on in there. Now, I don’t even have to be pregnant, someone merely has to say the word “pregnant” and my stomach says, “What? That old story? Noooo problem.” And out it pops.
Next, I’ve been a little vague with my kids about Santa Claus because although I love the fella myself, it makes me a little uncomfortable to be untruthful with them when they are so darned trusting. With that said, it is funny that the tooth fairy has spun a bit out of control. I don’t know how it happened really, but somehow they now expect notes detailing exactly what the dear tooth fairy will be using their particular tooth for (sometimes as a piece in her window sill or perhaps to patch a hole in her roof – as her house and everything in it is made of these beloved little teeth). Here is Daisy’s note for today’s lost tooth:

That’s right, she wants to know her tooth fairy’s name; and, in case you couldn’t read the small print at the bottom, she promises she won’t tell. I asked Daisy if there is one tooth fairy or lots (because that is a lot of pressure naming THEE tooth fairy). Luckily, she said, “lots.” I think she will be pleased if Twinkle or Stardust or Glittery pays her a visit tonight. How has this happened? The only thing we were ever told about the tooth fairy was that it was our neighbor Ruth (we were skeptical but the idea was certainly intriguing – elderly Ruth flitting about, collecting teeth and leaving us money). Oh well, they only have so many teeth to lose and then they will be forced to abandon the tooth fairy as she will have abandoned them for other loose toothed children.
Lastly, I can’t wait for Penny to start talking. My very favorite kid stage is the stage when they are old enough to talk but young enough that most things they say are ridiculous or just very funny like when Abe was about two and I asked him to go tell Mike we needed him to fix the light bulb in his room. As he ran off to do his job I heard, “Dad, could you fix the old bob in your room.” Then there was a pause before Abe said, “What’s an old bob?” Another time he was singing humpty dumpty and he sang how all the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t put humpty “together forever” again.
That’s what I love, but now my kids are getting just old enough to sound a bit too sensible. Still, the cool stuff isn’t quite all said and done. Goldie in particular still does a fair job. Here is a little recent stuff from around here:
Goldie (very frustrated as she tries to “scrub” the tub while she and Penny have a bath): Mom, Penny keeps splashing and splashing while I keep cleaning and cleaning!
Me: Well, she’s just a very splashy baby, there’s not much we can do.
Goldie: But is there ANYTHING we can do!?!
Abe: Mom, oatmeal dropped into my belly button.
Goldie: Mom, I like you best when you have babies.
Goldie: I love you even when you’re having a bad day, and I love you even when you’re really . . . (pause to study me) . . . mad.
Goldie: Mom, can you put Penny for naps. Every time I clean up she just messes everything up again! (Welcome to my world Goldie).
Abe: What if it wasn’t that we grew bigger, but our clothes actually grew smaller.
Daisy: Maybe that is what happens.
Abe: Then how do we GET bigger?
Daisy: I don’t know.
Goldie: Mom, there are two kinds of kids. The kind of kid that’s a goat and the kind of kid you love, like me, I’m that kid. (Yes, she very much is).
P.S. Mike and I did have a few good laughs coming up with tooth fairy names last night and Mike folded her a butterfly out of a dollar. Also, I heard Mike talking to his brother Greg last night using words like, "gigabytes" and "megahertz." If you know his brother, you know this wouldn't be a surprising conversation to overhear. Still, Mike was very vague after hanging up in telling me what they'd talked about (which could of course be because he knows I don't understand those crazy words), but, it turns out he was getting info. on laptops for me! He gave in and told me before ordering one because he wanted to let me choose the color. I chose red. I know that isn't super sophisticated, but think of the fun I will have with my little red laptop, especially during the next few months of moving and living who knows where and having our computer all boxed up. Sometimes my stomach hurts because I love Mike too much.