Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Hans is Eight

The littlest Hansie Boy (Hans, Hansie, Hansie Boy, Hansen, and sometimes The Hansie) got baptized!

And on his very birthday even! (It seemed almost too good to be true when he learned that his stake-scheduled baptismal date would land on the very day he would turn 8. It made him feel very special. And we all made a great fuss over the fact.)

We all like this boy SO MUCH. Oh it's true enough that he can bellow and mope with the best of them (for example "This is the worst day ever!" he's been known to wail after some small, perceived injustice has befallen him); and no child has ever come out of bed--when he should be going to bed--more frequently. Nevertheless, it is universally agreed amongst the family (particularly the older set) that never has a more pleasant and agreeable little lad existed.

One of the most pleasant hours I've ever spent, in fact, was the hour that involved just the two of us driving off in the cold and dark for his baptismal interview, answering questions and chatting with the bishop, then driving home together talking about it all. He was just so ... oh I don't know ... a delight to be with and to listen to as he chattered away about things like stars and black holes, then answered questions from the bishop with such unpretentious and joyful little thoughtfulness. On the way home he said to me, "Mom, I know another symbol Jesus going under the water could be. It could be kind of like how far he'll go for each of us." 

Dear boy. 

Perhaps we should just keep him 8 forever.

All of the family, other than his missionary sister Goldie, got to participate in the baptismal program. 

Summer and Mette did opening and closing prayers.

Penny lead the music.

I spoke on baptism and Daisy spoke on the gift of the Holy Ghost (giving him a darling little treasure box--just like my mom has occasionally made for the grandkids--full of items symbolizing what the Holy Ghost will do for Hans).

The youngest four all sang "We'll Bring the World His Truth".

Abe baptized him (while Jesse and Anders served as witnesses).

And Mike confirmed him.

Such a happy day!

And, of course, the day included a few other things as well. ... 
(He wanted to decorate his own cake. It's ... the Eye of Sauron on it's tower.)

Happy 8th birthday Hansie! And happy baptismal day! You are a bright and delightful little human! And we love and adore you!


Gayle Harris said...

We love and adore Hansie too!!!

Marilyn said...

What kind of awesome person has THE EYE OF SAURON ON A TOWER for his cake??? Hans is the best! And happy happy day for being eight. Now he's got that covenant connection and Heavenly Father can use his "special kind of love" to keep drawing him close, all the way for the rest of forever!

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