Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Other December Tidbits

I had a birthday. (As I’m wont to do in December.) 45! I’m practically 90. (Well, half way anyway. Same thing.) 

Actually, Anders was telling me he’d lived an eighth of his life already, and Daisy, marveling at that, was a bit shocked to think she’d lived a fourth of hers. (I guess they’ve both determined 80 to be the end.) 

“But really!” Daisy kept saying. “Isn’t that just so weird to think? I’ve already lived a fourth of my life? And Anders already an eighth? That just seems so sad!” 

But I only sighed and told her that I felt almost the opposite in regards to my own age. Sort of a weary, “I’ve only lived HALF? I still have to live this long … AGAIN?” Hahah. Admittedly this was a particularly trying month for me. And another 45 years of the same did sound rather tedious at that particular moment. (I guess I can hope they are correct about 80, and I only have 35 more?) OK, I’m joking I’m joking. In truth I DO want to have years and years to keep mastering and learning all that morality has to teach me. I do. And I do want to be here as long as possible with children and grandchildren. So … hopefully another 45 to go. (And with those Richards family genes in me, there’s a good chance that could stretch to 55.) In the meantime, I’ll never say no to a day set aside solely to celebrate my arrival into mortality! Especially when there are signs like these put up for me:
(When did Summer get so clever and funny? “Gloom” hairstyle? (We have to be wary of that one because it is my typical hairstyle. ...) And the Mom-a-Lisa? So great.)

And Especially when the older girls tend, and clean, and bake me pies, and put kids to bed, and devote all day to making sure I have a happy day!


In an attempt to cheer me (I think?) at the end of an exhausting day a few weeks ago, Mette’s drew me a nice little picture. And then decided it wouldn't hurt to add a little scripture as well. So she opened her Book or Mormon and jotted onto the picture the verse she landed on, which read: "How is it that ye have not hearkened unto the word of the Lord?" And then presented it to me. Very encouraging. 


The other day Summer was playing with Hans when he began whining and protesting. In great frustration I heard Summer shout, “I’m just TRYING to tell you how to be a good husband!“


Jesse has a running list of very particular things that he very particularly dislikes. I don't recall all of them, but I do know that these three are at the top of his list:
Sore throats
Player pianos (I guess it really creeps him out seeing piano keys moving with nobody at the helm?)


This conversation:
Hans — "Did you know the biggest number is one hundred and one?"
Abe — "It is? What about one hundred and two?"
Hans — "Uh. Maybe a hundred and five. No. (Determining to stick with his initial instincts despite Abe's logic.) It's a hundred and one."


We managed Christmas Village this year. It's such a fun place for taking pictures, but ... I also recognized that we could manage a million kids in a large crowd much more easily if I purposely did NOT bring my camera. So I offer you only a few cell phone snapshots:


My dad was a big believer in notes of instruction. Typically, they were written in red-felt-tip pen --with many capital letters and underlined points of emphasis. And they hung all about the house--reminding us about the necessity of turning off lights, not messing with thermostats, not removing tools from the spot they were in without returning them, parking in particular ways so that everyone coming and going could do so unimpeded, etc. Over the years we all came to smile over, and tease him about, and adore his notes. Even our friends were all aware of a GTA note and would often stop to read them for the sheer pleasure of it. So! Weren't we absolutely delighted when, during our Allred family Christmas party at my mom's ward, we found one of his notes on a closet full of tables! My mom swears she doesn't recall seeing it there these many years since he has been gone. But there it was. Memorialized. A little reminder that he was aware of us and with us, his posterity, as we gathered to celebrate. (And that he didn't want us doing anything foolhardy. Ha!) Oh I love and miss him.


And a few misc. pictures. (Including dear Mette resting on the couch after spending a solid 24 hours throwing up if she took so much as a drink of water. She was a dear and kept praying all the while that nobody else in our family would get sick.)


Marilyn said...

What??! Your dad left you a cautionary note...from the grave??! That is the best thing I've ever heard of. Especially as it is so VERY cautionary..."serious danger!" Hahaha. I love it.

Isn't it great how GOOD cell phone pictures can be these day, though? Especially now that that "purposely not bringing camera in order to better wrangle kids" reasoning is pretty much the norm. Your "snapshots" are lovely.

I think my favorite thing in this whole post, though, is you in the hot air balloon...with your "relaxing scripture study supplies". Ha! Who made that darling card? Your kids know you through and through, and I LOVE that what they know wish you could be studying your scriptures more often! Ha! It's like we were talking about on my blog. That example MUST be impacting them, no matter how wild and crazy FHE and home church lessons may be. (I also GREATLY ADMIRE that depiction of the vacuum you and I both own. Spot on.)

Linn said...

Just so much to cover...

HAPPIEST BIRTHDAY dear friend! Holy bananas am I glad you were born.

The funny little snippets are just my favorite ever. I'm with Jesse on his disliked three.

And Mette praying that no one else will get her sickness. I just can't even with that darling.

And your Dad's note. Just crying over the sweetness of that. I still have the book he wrote that I inherited after my grandma passed away (remember the one I didn't know was your Dad until far after?) on the bookshelf in my room. Where my most special books go. It will always be there and it makes me smile whenever I see it. I have a feeling he and I will be great friends in heaven. After all, his daughter is my favorite.

Nancy said...

Yes! A cautionary note from the grave!! Haha. And I hadn’t even thought of that point about the relaxing scripture study materials bring what they’d know to send with me. (It was Abe who did that one and the one with our shared vacuum 😄.) But that thought DOES make me happy! That even of they tease me about it, they know it’s something that matters to me!

Nancy said...

I still love that whole business of you writing about the book on you blind and me being like, “But wait. You know that’s my DAD, right??” I love that it’s still on your bookshelf right where you see it.

And thank you thank you for always making me feel so special and appreciated. 💛💛💛

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