Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Goldie Home Tomorrow!

Welp! We're ready! As of about ten minutes ago the tasks on my "to-do before Goldie gets home" list are complete! 

Actually, that's not totally true.

There's a stepladder and high-pressure air blower (what are those called again?) waiting to be taken to the garage or returned to the farm when Mike gets home. And a pile of stuff related to 3-D printing and the like that I need Jesse to do something about. And, I haven't gotten groceries yet. Mainly because our fridge just went on the fritz and everything in it has been moved to the garage freezer or to coolers outside. I wanted to be stocked up on food for various meals to make with all ten kids home this weekend, but ... we shall have to see if I'll have a working fridge to put everything in first. Poor--and yet unsurprisingly typical--timing. (Like when our basement flooded the night before leaving for GA for a month.) On the positive side of this fridge business: I most definitely did not have "clean the fridge and freezer" on my to-do list, but ... once it was all empty, it became quite apparent that a cleaning must occur. So ... it's not stocked, but at least it's now clean!

But all of the tasks to make space are finished (she's got a bin for shoes, a drawer in the girls' bathroom, room enough to pack a fair number of dresses in the shared girls' closet, and half a dresser :)). All the bed sheets are washed and beds made, the showers and toilets are scrubbed, the computer area cleaned, every speck of laundry is put away, the windows are washed, and spots have been found for a host of random things. Mike changed lightbulbs for me (thus the stepladder waiting to be put away) and vacuumed out the van. And last night we made welcome-home posters. 

All that remains now is for us to arrive on time to the airport tomorrow!

Mind you, when I say things are all set and ready, take that with a grain of salt and do recall that, in a house this full of people, things are mostly being unreadied as fast as ever I've readied them. Before we leave tomorrow all the beds will be unmade and there will be two more loads of laundry needing done.

Still, it is pretty exciting. It reminds me a little of the flurry of nesting that would always come before our babies arrived. Just ... wanting home ready and prepared to welcome

What a happy day tomorrow will be!


Gayle Harris said...

It will be so exciting!!! And it sounds like you've been working so very, very hard--as you always do! It will be wonderful to see her.

Linn said...

I just can't stop thinking of you all today, the happiest EVER! Welcome home Goldie!

Nancy said...

Thank you Linn! Almost! It’s almost welcome home! Her 1 pm arrival got shifted to 7 pm … and now 11 pm! Goodness! This waiting to see her is getting stretched out as long as possible!

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