Saturday, August 17, 2024

A Birthday For This My Life

I once asked my dad that. "Can I have a birthday for this my life?" I don't recall having asked it, mind, but apparently I did. And then my dad fondly and teasingly asked it back to me off and on for the rest of his life. 

But who can blame me? It was likely late summertime--when my mom, a brother and two sisters all have birthdays within a two-week span. Of course I was feeling left out of all the birthdaying. And why shouldn't I have gotten just one ... for this my life?

In any case, we have a tidy little sum of late summer birthdays ourselves here. 

Summer just turned 10 (never again to be single digits--what!)

And a few weeks later the birthday twins Mike and Mette shared their birthday. (Mike 48 and Mette 9.)

It's almost enough to make you want a birthday of your own for this your life. (But never mind, I'll get one of those when we have our next large slew of birthdays in December.) 

1 comment:

Marilyn said...

LOOK at those TWO BIRTHDAY CAKES! Amazing! Even making ONE is such an accomplishment and there you are with two perfectly beautiful ones. What a happy day. I thought of Mette and Mike that day.
I also must say that it's heartening to see Christmas wrapping paper being used in August in someone else's family too. It gives me a little hope for this my life.

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