Thursday, February 16, 2023

Moments and Snippets

Mike was out of town for several days. He's back now. It's late. And the two of us are snuggled up in bed doing what any couple who has been apart over Valentine's Day and most of the rest of the week would be doing: ... We are looking at Toulouse Geese on the Chromebook. 

Mike is telling me why he wants them. And how hard they are to get. I'm gently questioning the wisdom in getting them when we still don't actually live in Logan. "Won't we need to look after them? What if something eats them?" Mike isn't concerned about that. There will be plenty of time to worry about how to care for them once they arrive. No need to overthink it before they are even here. 

It doesn't feel too different from our logic in choosing to have each of our ten children. ;)


Summer has recently discovered that, when they are working on their computers at school, she can send me an email. I love getting little messages like this from her. (Notice the time. She's been at school for less than thirty minutes.):

(I did not, however, check her out "for no reason" on this occasion. After all, I let her stay home an entire day just last week "for no reason".)


I'm putting away something in my bathroom cupboard when Starling runs to me. "Mom!" she demands, practically climbing up my leg. "You have to hold me FOR THE WHOLE DAY!"

"I do?" I question, laughing and scooping her up. "I have to hold you for the whole day?"

"Yes," she says. (She never says, "yah" or "uh-huh". Only a succinct "yes".)

"Why?" I ask, as I continue putting things away with a little three-year-old on my hip.

But she refuses to give me any further information. (In general she only replies to any of us when it suits her fancy and ignores us when it does not. Even when she is right in our arms.)

I'm guessing this has something to do with Hans talking about volcanoes earlier. 

I don't think, logistically, I will be able to hold her "for the whole day", but I'm glad to be the safest and securest place when a volcano erupts.


The End.

1 comment:

Becca said...

I am pretty sure that I want to be in my own mother's arms when a volcano erupts. And I hope my kids will let me wrap my arms around them if such a thing occurs. I love these adorable photos and snapshot anecdotes.

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