Thursday, October 6, 2022

Nothing to Write but Photo Labels

I feel like I've been in a writing slump for some time now. Perhaps more than a slump. Oh I still tell things. I record. But it's been over a year since I've put words together in a way that has felt like I've really created something. At first I thought it was just a phase. Now I'm not so sure. It feels like I wandered from some old, comfortable way I knew to say things ... and never landed on anything else concrete! I'm just adrift in my writing ... and not certain I'll ever reach land again. Sniffle.

Luckily (though I don't know that that is the correct word), the lack of inspiration hasn't stopped me altogether from writing anything. It might have done; if my phone and camera didn't keep getting filled to overflowing with people and moments that I don't want lost (whether I'm satisfied with the manner of their recording or not).

So, here I am again at our little loft computer desk--at a loss for how to use words to truly get at the heart of anything I am wondering and experiencing and thinking and praying over, but with a month's worth of pictures looking for somewhere to feel set down and secured! So we will continue with that.

This joyous little sprite. With diapers long gone and her crib recently abandoned, one might think I'd say how she's all grown up. But no. With no littler sibling in her wake, she has just remained our baby. 

Hansie boy perusing the most recent Lego magazine. In a toy wagon that he doesn't quite fit in.

A Family Home Evening walk I took the kids on (that involved enough fighting and crying as to accomplish the very opposite of what any Family Home Evening ever should--though you'd never know it from these photos 😄).

One of the best notes I've ever received. (At about 10:00 a.m. on a Saturday morning in which we'd seen no sign of Anders.)

A few misc. kid pics.

A couple of things Abe has texted us from BYU. (Daisy and Goldie send me far fewer texted pictures of their doings. 😠)
(Abe reserved some room and invited anyone who wanted to come from his ward to come enjoy an aired devotional with Elder and Sister Renlund. However when he arrived, the room he'd reserved was locked. So they adapted and overcame. ... By moving it to the laundry room which, for some reason,🤷🤷 has a large TV. Abe is good at inviting, gathering, and helping people to create relationships and belonging.)
(Here he is--reunited with the first companion he trained on his mission.)

These are some pictures Penny took of me for some little creative endeavor.

And our house one Sept. afternoon. (After July-like temperatures for much of the first half of September, this week of cooler weather and rain felt particularly glorious.)

And, finally, the overhang for hay storage, etc. on the barn is finished! (A few more exclamation marks are likely due there--!!!) For reasons that are too tedious to mention here, we needed to complete that small project before moving forward with further efforts on building in Logan. But the county (you see I refrained there from using the swear word Abe said was perfectly acceptable to use in between "the" and "county" 😄) wouldn't approve our finishing it. (Which was utterly ridiculous of course and a small barricade that paused everything for four months.) But we finally were able to move ahead with it and get that out of the way. (Now ... only about a hundred more hurdles to get over! But ... I loved running hurdles in high school, so maybe I can resurrect some of that feeling with these hurdles? 😄)

Nice finished job Mike and Abe!


Marilyn said...

HAhahaha. The opposite of what FHE is supposed to accomplish. Yes! That is exactly what I fear--not just that our family time isn't good, but that it actually might be so bad that it is UNDOING any good we have accidentally gotten some other time. Actually making us LESS righteous and LESS close as family. Ha! Making these things happen takes great faith, I tell you. Great faith.

Anyway. Whatever thing you are feeling about writing is obviously the devil trying to make you stop. Because whenever I read anything you've written, I feel your joy and determination and faith coming through, and it makes me want to recommit and do better and be better, and celebrate the good that families bring. I love your Abe and his funny texts. And I love your stormy skies. And I love the d*$% county, when you tell about it.😄

Marilyn said...

Oh. And those walk pictures are MAGICAL. Sometimes I wish pictures could capture smells and sounds too. And other times I am very glad they do not capture those things. :)

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