Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Ah Yes, the Birthdays

I wrote in my last post (the post wherein half the paragraphs turned green -- and refused to turn back -- for no clear reason other than blogger being the pits) about the three birthdays since my last posting; then I promptly forgot to add the slew (slough???) (and now I'm thinking of our FL visit to the Six Mile Cypress Slough) of photos that went along with said birthdays. 

In any case, the birthdays came -- along with a ridiculous excess of cake (particularly on Mette and Mike's birthday when Daisy made Mike his German chocolate cake, AND Goldie made Mette a checkered cake that was actually two whole cakes put together [along with a sugar-cookie crown], AND a young woman in the ward [who adores Mette] made her another cake)! Goodness! And the birthdays went. And now Mike is 43. And Mette is 4. And Summer is 5. 

And here are the missing pictures.
And here:


Val said...

Sweet...by all means!! :) :) <3

Marilyn said...

I am enthralled with Summer's little face lately. She has this…I don't know…just excited-to-bursting sort of expression that I just think is SO DARLING.

It's RIGHT that there was so much cake, really.

Nancy said...

And I forgot to mention that their cousin Devin brought DONUTS that day as well!!!

(And Summer! Yes! A lot of it in her eyebrows. She just does look so excited to bursting as you said!)

Becca said...

"Blogger being the pits"...ha!

That checkered cakes is beautiful. And baby Starling is getting BIG.

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