Wednesday, June 5, 2019


I went to Penny's 6th grade graduation a few weeks ago. And weren't we both happy when they announced the winner of the "Citizenship Award" -- a cash prize recognizing only one boy and one girl in the entire 6th grade for overall excellence in example, respect, etc. -- as my Penny! Bravo Penny girl!

Speaking of awards. Jesse's teacher gave each kid in her class a little certificate on the last day. She told them she spent hours trying to think of what was the exact right award for each of them. Jesse received the "Kindness Counts" award. There is nothing that matters to me more. Thank you for being kind my Jesse.! (Pictured here with his 3rd place trophy in Pentominoes from the Math-Science Olympiad.)

In other news. We'd taken a seat out of our van recently for some reason or another. We were about to go somewhere as a family so I suggested we just take two cars instead of the van. Only then I realized that we CAN'T FIT IN TWO CARS. It just made me chuckle it seemed so preposterous. We'd have to take three regular cars to get our whole family somewhere. 

Also, the other day Anders came into my room and said, "Mom, on a scale of 1-100, how handsome am I?" 

When I responded, "100" without a moment's hesitation, he opened his eyes in wide, joyous surprise and pressed the matter further (because certainly there must be some upper limit on his handsomeness). 

"How handsome am I on a scale of 1-never ending?" 

I replied, "never-ending" without batting an eye. His own eyes got even wider -- along with his smile and an exclamation of, "Wo!" And away he went with all his handsomeness. 

We are all becoming a bunch of four-eyes around here. It's ridiculous. Everyone could see fine one minute . . . and everyone was blind the next. Abe went in for his pre-mission physical and discovered his previously grand eye-sight was now fairly poor. Then Penny went in for her junior high shots and discovered the same thing. And Daisy had been complaining of not seeing things, so she went in at the same time as Penny . . . and also needed glasses. Before we knew it, we had three kids in glasses. And we currently have two more complaining of not being able to see the hymn numbers up behind the pulpit at church, etc. Goodness. 

What else. I don't know. This was all rather haphazard. We are on our second week of summer break. And it was a bigger end-of-school year than most what with Abe graduating, Penny finishing elementary, and Goldie finishing junior high (she'll get her learner's permit next month!!! what? she is just far too puny to not be pulled over every moment it seems to me!). Anywho . . . a few misc. pictures. 


Val said...

Hi there Nancy! So many news, such a busy life! For whatever reason, many of my former comments didn't show up. I hope it works this time. Your kids are all oh so cute, but these two little ones, Mette and Summer, they are quite a pair! I have a feeling you're never bored with them around...besides, soooo cute!! :)

Marilyn said...

That's a darling picture of the sisters! SIIIIIX of them!! And glasses. Well. Some very illustrious people have them, after all!

The pace of things up in your neck of the woods is...well...breathtaking. ANOTHER driver? ANOTHER child out of elementary? Where will it end?!?

Nancy said...

Val! It always makes me happy to hear from you! I do think of you from time to time you know! And wonder how life in France with your three little people is treating you. I hope so so good! And yes, Summer and Mette! They are quite a pair and keep life very interesting! Haha!

Nancy said...

Marilyn -- From the look of things, it won't ever all end! Haha!

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