Monday, November 28, 2022

Pictures of Ordinary Happenings Around Home

I've been trying to remember to get my camera out more just around home (rather than only on adventures) lately. Though I need to do more of it when all of my kids are home! Still. A few shots from around the house:
Apparently I'm not the only one who finds sleeping Starling adorable. Here Summer is taking a picture of her with her little camera.
We haven't managed Christmas lights on the outside of our house for several years. This year, while I was too afraid of the roof itself, I decided to set up our ladder and at least string a few around the wooden arch over our porch. (Though they are mostly blocked by our Dr. Suess tree.) I got them all finished and then ... they immediately went out. When Mike came home he replaced a fuse for me and, after they went right out again, asked me how many I'd strung together. "Only like five," I said. 

"The box usually tells you how many you can put together," he told me--pulling a box from the garbage and reading, "may string up to two strands together." 

Ha. "Oh." 

Anyway. We worked it out. (And because I was too afraid of the roof, I instead risked Jesse's life by sending him up to plug an extension cord in for me in the outlet on the roof. Thanks Jesse.)

1 comment:

Marilyn said...

Oh, that little green bear getting a drink from the cup really is sweet. And I like you leaning along Mike diagonally like a couple of…I don't know, braces? trusses? those beams that hold up A-frame cabins?

Your Christmas lights look dreamy, too!

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