Friday, April 9, 2021

General Conference Weekend at the Cabin

A few moments from our Bear Lake weekend (beyond the Eastering and Conferencing written about in my last post):

When the weather isn't really beach weather, we often take a walk along the board walk/troll bridge behind the city park down to the water. It never ever in the history of ever has remained the simple walk it is meant to be. ... We may as well put them in swimsuits no matter the temperature. 

Anders hugging his pretend friend.

When I walked off of the bridge out onto the beach, I actually thought that the beach seemed strangely crowded for a chilly afternoon. ...

It took a moment for me to realize that the crowd ... was just my family.
Daisy? Have you not even bothered to roll up your pants???
One thing I love about Bear Lake (well, at least when I have non-swimming babies and toddlers in tow) is that it remains shallow for so long.

"I don't care if the sun is burning your eyes out! Stand all together and look at the camera for one picture or so help me!"
The End.

1 comment:

Marilyn said...

May I ask just WHO Starling thinks she is? Trying to open the van door all by herself? Hmmph!

Also, I love boardwalks. There is just something so charming about them.

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