Saturday, February 6, 2021

Bear Lake, Birthdays, Lemon Pigs, Glasses and Plays

We spent the first weekend of January at the cabin. There was some sledding. And one morning Jesse went out and discovered our van’s back window shattered (how? why?). And Penny, overconfident after our time on the ice at Willard Bay, soaked herself up to her thighs after crashing through a bit of Bear-Lake ice. We also shouted “Happy New Year” and banged pots and pans. And when we realized we weren’t prepared with our usual New Year’s Eve root beer floats, the girls dashed off to “Mike’s Market” for soda and ice cream. (Yes, I know: the name. “Mike’s”. Should it claim our full loyalty I wonder? Because, in a pinch [which is the only reason one ever actually buys any groceries or supplies at Bear Lake at all] we also visit the one other little grocery store. The one that probably has some name of its own, but that I only know as “the one by Ace Hardware”.)

Hansie boy had a birthday. He’s four now. The other day he tried to do his own hair. It involved the bathroom sink and a lot of water, and Mike soon shooed him away. I found him after — in a heap on the laundry room floor — sobbing, “my hair just looks so stupid!” Haha. Dear boy. We fixed his hair. He’s four all right; but that doesn’t mean he’s quite old enough to do ... everything (apparently).

We made New Year’s, good luck, lemon pigs (though ours look a smidgen ... dogish?). You make a wish for the new year as you stick the penny in their mouth. I’d report back on just how much luck these little lemon pigs can guarantee only ... I think we’ve all forgotten our wishes. I’m just going to assume they are about on par with birthday candles.

Everyone gathered around a popcorn bowl for a family movie night is a happy site.

Starling sleeping (with whoever’s socks and slippers she’s managed to get her hands on). Her favorite word right now is “cozy”. If you could only hear how she exclaims “It’s so cozzzzzeeee!” as she hugs her blanket. It’s glorious.

Anders joined the four-eyes club. He and Goldie got glasses at the end of January (taking our number of children needing glasses to five). Poor Anders’ eyes are by far the worst of the bunch. After hearing the results of his eye exam, all his siblings felt a bit remorseful over the times they’d hollered at him to scoot back and quit blocking the tv.

A few kids out in the cold.

And a few kids in more cold. (We got a huge dumping of snow the other day. The kind that packs perfectly. The only reason our yard looks sparsely snowed on in these photos is because all the snow was rolled into snowmen. There were seven total by the time all was said and done.)

Lastly, Goldie performed in her school’s “All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten” play. I’ve never read the book, but several of the scenes in the play made me tear up. (And with all the unknowns of Covid, I’m so glad they were able to perform!)

The End.


Becca said...

Oh, I am sorry about the shattered window! A mystery, indeed. And an annoying/inconvenient one. That play sounds sweet--Goldie looks so earnest. I love the sledding pictures, the watching-a-movie pictures, and poor Hans wanting his hair to not look stupid. It's so fun to watch these little ones grow into themselves.

Gayle Harris said...

I always love going through your blog pictures. It's just kind of like a diary of your recent weeks, and kind of a "slice of life" bunch of adorable pictures. We've been home-bound for so long, that I love to see how the kids are growing and changing and what things they are involved in. Thanks for sharing!!!

Marilyn said...

I love that picture of Daisy and Penny going down on the sled! They just look so happy. It ALMOST makes me want to go sledding!

It's funny about those lemon pigs. Because just the other day we were saying that lemons looked a little like pigs! All without even conceiving of the notion that one might actually make them INTO pigs. Junie would like that, because she likes pigs, and she likes lemons. Maybe we should replace her birthday candles with them (since I can never find birthday candles when I need them, anyway!).

Starling sleeping is just the dearest little thing. And I DO wish I could hear her say "cozy"!

Oh, and I think Anders looks SO handsome in his glasses! Of course you always hope your kids won't have to have glasses, but he truly looks like he has grown into himself when he wears them! I love them! I keep wondering why more of my kids haven't had to have glasses and I think it's probably just that they never get their eyes checked, so how would they know? My brothers I think didn't have to get theirs until nearly mission age, so it's not too late. And Daisy was complaining of not being able to see the hymn numbers in church, so she has an eye appointment next month. So…we may yet also have 5 or more. But glasses aren't so bad. And normal people that aren't having babies all the time can always get lasik, I suppose! :)

Also: I am glad you got some decent snow! We have been hoping and hoping for some good enough to play in! Well…the kids have, anyway. I love the animal snowmen!

Nancy said...

Ah yes. That was the first thing sanders began complaining about! He couldn’t see the hymn numbers! (And then his teacher called and told me she moved him to the very front of the class but he still had to walk to the board to see anything. Hahah.) That’s when we finally figured maybe we should get the poor kid checked. I applaud you for setting up an appointment after the hymn numbers went blurry.

And yah. Abe’s eyes were perfect when he went for one of his scout exams like the year before his mission. So we were all surprised at his pre mission appointment to see they’d gone bad. So I guess there’s still time for plenty of glasses ahead. Ha.

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