Tuesday, February 2, 2021

An Extravagance of Daughters

It has always seemed to me to be a bit unfairly fortunate to be not only one of eleven children ...
but one of  five daughters!

So producing not only ten children but SIX daughters. Six sisters?! Six girls to have each other to rely on all their lives? It seems extravagant in the extreme. I can never quite believe it's true. But ... here they are. Six lovely girls. You can count. It is true!

I took a few graduation pictures for my nephew a few weeks ago (I'm particularly pleased with how this fun one turned out):

But anyway, the point of mentioning that was to say that, while I rarely do any type of formal photo taking, when I am occasionally persuaded to do so for some family member or another, I nearly always just traipse down to the field below my house. It's full of various trees and bushes and weeds that make for a perfect (and conveniently close) backdrop. BUT, recently, somebody fenced the field off and slapped up a number of "No Trespassing" signs. And there went my easy spot for anything official. So, for my nephew, we drove to a park that our family sometimes takes walks around. 

When I finished the photos and showed them to my girls, it occurred to us that we should take some photos of all six girls in the same lovely spot. (As we couldn't take a picture of all ten kids ... seeing as Abe is still off on his mission.) Of course then things combined against us -- as they will. Daisy got her wisdom teeth out and didn't want to do it all swollen. And then she was back down at BYU. And then the snow melted (which was partly what had made the background of my nephews pictures so appealing):

And then when Daisy was here again, and it even snowed, ... the sun wasn't shining all softly through the trees (like it had been so nicely on the day I took Eli's) and then we couldn't find any dresses that seemed to even slightly go together. 

But we dug about and made do -- and even though we were a bit afraid putting Summer in white might make her blend in completely with the snow, it seemed better than a patterned dress of a wildly different color than anyone else's. So off we went -- with promises of hot cocoa after for the little ones who were complaining about no coats in the cold, and they turned out just lovely.
We all love Starling's smile in that above photo -- which was about the only smile we got from her. 
And a zoom in on Summer's jubilant arm raising: 
And we all immediately zoomed in on this little expression from the "thinking" picture below:

I tried to set the camera on the van and dash in for a picture with them at the end ... hahah.

And once the three little girls had had all they could handle, we put them in the car and got the heat going and snapped a few last ones of just the older three. If I showed you all of them, you would see that the ones with ordinary expressions are in the far minority.
Anyway, six girls. Six sisters. I can hardly believe I made all of them!


Becca said...

I am from a family with six sisters, too. They are the friends of my heart.

Though I am reading this on my computer, I kept wanting to hold down on each photo and put that heart emoji that apple lets me do in a text. With maybe a "haha" or an "!!" on a few.

What is so striking about your girls' beauty is that you can easily see it is shaped by their goodness.

I am so glad you made these pictures happen--they will be a treasure forever.

Nancy said...

I love that line about their beauty being shaped by their goodness! That’s a perfect way to put it! And I know so many people who exhibit an extension of beauty that can only be attributed to sheer goodness shining out of them!

Marilyn said...

I love, love, love these pictures—and I think what I love most is that you and your girls thought about them and planned them and made them happen together! That seems so fun. And their dresses go perfectly together as if they'd been bought for this very purpose!! (And also their boots! Their boots are all so cute and match perfectly!)

They really are such lucky girls. I loved seeing the pictures of you with your sisters. Are you the one with that impressive side ponytail and the white blouse? or the tiny one in a red jumper? You are all so cute. Just like your girls.

Nancy said...

I’m actually the one standing behind the one with the impressively cool side ponytail. (In a red sweater.) My older two sisters got us all ready and took us off somewhere without my mom knowing what was going on to get these pictures for her for Christmas! Wasn’t that cute of them? Especially back in the day of it being much more of a to do than just getting a pic with your phone and printing it quickly off.

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