Saturday, August 8, 2020

Sunday Evening on the Farm

Every now and then what most needs doing is ... getting everyone in the house ... out of the house. 

Such was the case one Sunday evening in July when we took a drive up to Mike's parents' Logan land to let the kids tramp about and catch frogs. 

Why we drove so far when we might easily have walked on a trail nearby probably stemmed from some hopeful, subconscious delusion that ... if we just added 45 minutes of driving in before traipsing about outside, the air would surely lose it's miserable heat. 

That was not to be (as evidenced by several of the melting faces in the following pictures), but there were a few frogs caught in nets (along with a lot of pond scum), and some four-wheelers ridden about (in a calm Sunday-like manner I am sure [where's that nervous emoji smiley face when you need it?]), and only one child who ended up needing a large nest of burrs pried carefully out of their hair (a job for Mike every time). So, all in all, it was a nice way to spend a Sunday evening.


Marilyn said...

It all just looks so…simple and wholesome and magical. And it reminds me of "A Boy, a dog, and a frog" (you know those darling wordless books?). And the most beautiful light! And Starling among the milkweed is PERFECT.

Marilyn said...

Amongst? Amidst?

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