Monday, August 10, 2020


I think we went to Lagoon every summer of my growing up years. 

That was back in the time of Stake Lagoon Days when prices must have been much more reasonable. 

Prices are so steep now that it would cost over $700 to take our entire family! (Though I suppose I ought to acknowledge that it would be nothing like that amount for a reasonably sized family.) 

Still, somehow, in my mind, I had imagined up that all of my kids had been at least once before. (And most of the older ones have. We took them a few times back when we were a reasonably sized family, and Abe, Daisy and Goldie all went once a year during junior high for some school incentive day.) But somehow the younger kids had never been at all! Not once! Even 11-year-old Jesse! To Lagoon! Such a summer-time staple growing up!

So, when my niece (who works there) offered us a pass allowing up to eight people in for less than half of the normal ticketed price, we figured we better right the wrong and have a Lagoon day.

We debated having all of us go, but I knew Hans and Starling would only last a very short time in the heat, and Mike taking Daisy through Mette equaled the eight on the pass so perfectly that I was only too happy to pack them lunch, sunblock them up, and ship them off without me and the two littlest ones. 

Lagoon has currently limited the amount of amusement-park goers it lets in (coronavirus). That, combined with the heat and maybe just fewer people venturing out in general, meant that there were virtually no lines. They cooled off for an hour or two in the water-slides at one point, but loved it enough, despite the heat, that they stayed from opening to closing. It was a happy day for all of them (and a very calm and peaceful one for me!). (Note: Goldie was actually there as well. But other than the few Mike took, all of these pictures were taken by her ... hence, she was not in them.)


Marilyn said...

Well! I'm a little sorry to say it, because it makes me sound very boring, but I have to admit that I would 100x rather be the one staying home with the little ones to have a quiet day! Haha, but I'm glad at least the kids got to go!

And goodness, yes, it's so expensive! My kids have never been…except Abe with some friends this year! And I went once in high school but I don't really remember anything except that I was in line for one of the big roller coasters with some friends, and I hate scary roller coasters, and I suddenly realized that I didn't HAVE to go on it if I didn't want to! So I got out of line and felt SO HAPPY! ha!

Nancy said...

Like you, I’m afraid I am perfectly content with zero fun whatsoever. If it weren’t for Mike I’m sure we’d have none. Staying home with only two measly kids making mess or needing things was a dream! I even read a fiction book! (Something I manage about once a year these days.)

And it’s funny the difference just a few miles further south makes. Somehow everyone I know who grew up here went to Lagoon every single summer. (Which is why it felt such a strange wrong for some our kids not to have gone.) But if Lagoon were in like Draper, we probably would never have gone once growing up! Ha.

Lastly I’m proud of you that you realized, as a young teen, you could opt to NOT do something you didn’t want to. It took me into my 30s to realize I could just say, “No thanks. You guys go. I don’t like to go in them. Ever.” when it came to things like Minnetonka cave!

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