Thursday, January 4, 2024

The Allred Party/Christmas Eve

The Allred party has morphed and morphed over the years, but, at its heart, it is the party that began back in our childhood at my grandma Wallace's house on Christmas Eve--the single-most exciting and magical night of the entire year during all of my growing up! Christmas the next day, sleeping in my big sister Amy's room with Megan and Shannon while Amy told us stories of Santa sightings, and, mostly, heading over to my grandma's house for hot-fudge sundaes, a talent show full of Elvis and Bing Crosby performances and the like, and our first present of Christmas (usually freshly-made nightgowns for us little girls). It was just such an exciting night!

As our family grew--with more kids marrying and having kids of their own--and my grandma aged, the party eventually moved to my parents' home. And in time, as even grandkids married and began having children, it shifted to a ward gym.

Forever it was our Christmas Eve party, but then, in order to accommodate so many pulled in various directions with in-laws, etc. it became a Christmas Eve morning|afternoon party; and, eventually, a "Saturday before Christmas party" (this year it was a Friday). We went from everyone drawing names for gifts, to just kids drawing names, to white elephant gifts, to putting the kabosh on gifts altogether. And the talent show has less of adults crafting humorous things and more of many little children playing a piano piece or singing a song, but it's still the Christmassy gathering of my family and, with some of my nieces and nephews, one of the few times I even see them anymore, so I'm grateful for how it allows me the chance to stay connected and show them I love them.

I didn't get out my camera this year, but managed to steal a few shots from the family text exchange:

Anders narrated the Christmas Nativity this year.
I took a screenshot of this photo when my nephew posted it. I kept thinking the party seemed smaller than usual this year. None of my brother Rob's kids or my brother Aaron's were able to be there, etc. But this little view rather startled me! Just a fraction of the people there, but look what a crowd! And it is ALL just my brothers and sisters and their families! Look what my parents began when they wed one another!
Starling wasn't interested in taking off her cat-cat hat--even to be an angel (photo above). And my oldest brother Mark who often likes a picture with all of his sisters because, well, he adores us--and rightfully so (photo below).

And since this party is no longer a Christmas Eve party, we now have a Christmas Eve of our own. This year it was on a Sunday, so it was a quieter day than some years (was it more or less quiet than last Christmas Eve ... when everyone was throwing up in our house and we cancelled all activities but a movie in order to survive?). Daisy made gingerbread cookies and let the kids frost some. We had dinner (it really is hard not being able to put leaves in our table or fit everyone around it nicely in this home, but turning the couch around worked all right ...), and then did our nativity and sibling gifts (plus we watched Emmett Otter's Jug Band Christmas since we hadn't yet this year and it's tradition) before shewing everyone off to bed so Santa could come. Mike and I sat on the couch together (with all the lights but the Christmas ones turned off in the house) when all was set up. That magic from Christmas Eve as children still exists quite strongly during that little bit of time before bed!

We have very little room in this tiny rental living room! So you better not plan on taking too much couch space!
This might be about the only time Mike pulls out the mandolin anymore. (Though he'll still fiddle if his dad makes him at a Harris party.)
This year they got their gifts for each other at "Five Below"--which was a step up from the dollar store. Abe loved this poster from Anders of that Japanese wave ... with Godzilla thrown in.
A mini rock-em|sock-em robots from Penny to Anders.
A toy vending machine from Jesse to Mette.
Starling making some sort of bracelet out of floss and hair elastics. ... While wearing a dress and a nightgown. And apparently I didn't take pictures of everyone else's gifts.
Gingerbread cookies. 
Before bed magic.

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