Tuesday, March 29, 2022

MARCHing on

Ohhh that was a clever title, wasn't it. (Because, you know, these are pictures from March ... and March is almost over and ... oh never mind. 😄)

The other day as I was readying dinner I pulled a hidden (or so I thought) bag of grapes from the fridge and noticed it looked ... much smaller than I'd recalled it being when I purchased it. Just then Penny walked by, saw that I was getting them out, and said, "Oh good. Now I can eat them without sneaking."


Luckily not all she does is bad.

Why here she is at the beginning of her first junior high choir performance. (She didn't take it her first two years and only transferred in half-way through this year.)

She sang a solo (the saddest song ever: "I Dreamed a Dream" from Les Miserables). It was beautiful! Her voice didn't crack or stumble for even a second. (Even when she had to sing "but there are dreams that cannot be, and there are storms you cannot weather".) I kept just being sort of shocked at how lovely it just kept on being! It isn't as if I've heard her singing solos all her life after all. Or even heard her sing in choirs. How was I to know? She did have her big role in the school play last year and sang beautifully, but there is so much going on in a play--dancing and people all about, that there didn't seem to be quite the intense focus on her voice that there was when it was just her standing there with a microphone and nothing but her voice!

And then she was also asked to sing (with the brother of one of her friends) for our stake's youth standard's night this past Sunday! So just like that I got to see her perform something absolutely lovely twice! 

So that was happy.

And speaking of happy. ... And sad: 

Goldie ... in her last ever school play!

The happy part? Seeing her bright performance and how much she loves doing it.

The sad part? (I should say sad parts.) 
  • Well, as I said, it was her last one.
  • And it was The Hunchback of Notre Dame. So ... there's that! (Not the happiest musical.)
  • But mostly sad was this: At the start I was quite sure I heard them ask us not to take pictures. But I wasn't positive. So I wanted to risk it. But I couldn't see anyone else taking photos! Finally, at the end, I couldn't bear it and snuck a few. But I am very very sad I didn't get many more of her last play. Booo.

And here Goldie is again ... just eating something (but she's rarely in photos, so we will take what we can get):

And here she is again ... with Devin and Melissa's first ever little baby! Stella Bird! She's just utterly wonderful:

Some more pictures from March?

Abe home for just a tiny speck of time one Saturday:

And the March weather being very ... Marchy. (We've had a handful of days in the mid 70s [!!!] as well as days with freezing temperatures and snow.)

And here Abe is getting together for pupusas with his MTC mission companion, climbing with his BYU climbing friends, and teaching his last district at the MTC (sniffle). (He might be back for the summer but decided to take the last month of school to focus more on all his precious math ... while actually having time to sleep more than five hours a night and maybe eat dinner once in awhile--which was what he wasn't doing between all his intense class-work and being at the MTC from late afternoon till after 9 each night.) 

And here are some kids sleeping and doing other things:
(Hans passed out cold reading a Schleich catalog.)

Mike and I went axe throwing one night. (Axe throwing???) Last minute we'd asked the girls to tend while we went to a movie, but when we got to the theater, the entire thing was rented out for some company. We'd already eaten and couldn't get to another theater in time, so Mike pulled over at an empty looking axe throwing place and in we went. I only got one in for about every six Mike got in, but it was satisfying when it happened, and I have a feeling Mike will be building his own axe throwing board for our kids to use up at the farm one of these days now.

Daisy took some of the kids to the aquarium when she was home one weekend. It seems like someone ought to have texted me more pictures of the adventure? But this is all I seem to have. Still, Daisy is a good one for taking the kids on little adventures when she comes home!

Our kids had an end-of-quarter day off of school on the same day that Abe and Daisy had their "Spring Day" at BYU. (You read that right. Not Spring Break week. Spring ... day.) Pen and Gold took The Frontrunner down and spent the entire day with Daisy. (It seems like someone might have texted me pictures from that as well?) And I took the younger six to a little park. (It was Summer's suggestion. And I think she was inspired because we were the only people around on this quiet March day. A police officer showed up right as we were there. He'd had to arrest someone there the other day and clearly felt sad about the situation. I gather the kid was only in his early twenties. And he'd lost his shoes. This police officer came back to the park ... just hoping to do something kind and find this poor troubled kid's shoes. And lo and behold, within minutes of him asking if we'd seen them, Summer found them in in the brush by a cement tunnel that I am quite sure no adult would have gone through. It made me feel teary thinking of God nudging us there through Summer because he knew where this poor kid's shoed were and wanted to help that officer be able to find them.)

And here kids are in their St. Patrick's Day green:

And last (and here we must say "but not least"): my oldest nephew recently got sealed to his wife, and all of my siblings were there! All eleven of my parents kids not only together at once (which rarely happens), but together in the temple! It just made me feel so happy and grateful and full of love.
(The side pose from oldest to youngest is a throwback to a family picture of my grandma and her sisters doing the same silly train that we often feel we must recreate. 😄) Someone on Instagram asked me the names and ages. And I did not know! Ha! Well ... I knew the names. Yes. But the ages! Goodness! We have Megan at the far left who is 43, and Mark by my mom at the far right is 64. If you start with Megan and add a year or two for each person next in line it works out about right. My mom is 85 (I think? Is that right, mom?)

And the names. From left to right: 
Megan, Nancy, Shannon, Aaron, Chris, Rob, John, Amy, Kathy, Tony, Mark, Mom (Sharon).

Anyway! Happy times. It's been a good month. 


Gracie J said...

The next time I ask you for a myriad of updates via Marco Polo, you should scold me and say, "Why don't you just look at my blog?" I must confess, I often forget about blogs these days but this is such a lovely, detailed update and I quite like that you are still blogging after all these years. Love your guts!

Marilyn said...

I dreamed a dream really IS the saddest song. Too sad. But, I wish I could have heard Penny sing it all the same!

Also, STELLA BIRD? that is a delightful name if I've ever heard one (and I have). I have long considered Birdie as a name or nickname (as you know) and I just love hearing it on a real person. Much like your Starling.

I can't believe you managed axe-throwing! I'm convinced I could never. Couldn't even hit the…broad side of a barn, is that the saying? I'm sure your Mike could hit the…narrow side of a barn? But YOU. Getting any in at ALL seems QUITE impressive.

And that shoe story is so sweet! I can't believe that policeman, going back for them. I'm so glad Summer found them!! (now can you ask her to please find Seb's bike)

AND hooray for your siblings together in the temple. What a BLESSING! I honestly think I will die of happiness if my kids make it that far in forty years. It all seems very unlikely at the moment...

Nancy said...

It really is such a darling name, isn’t it? And both are even after ancestors! Like you I love Birdie for a nickname and intended to maybe even use it for Starling (because, you know, she’s named after a bird), but if you do not VERY consciously practice using a nickname, you just inadvertently call them unintended nicknames instead and the intended nicknames never stick.

I was quite shocked I managed axe throwing as well to be honest.

And I thought I’d told you all about the lost shoes! I will need to tell you the full story.

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