Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Under 30 Hours

Saturday night at 10:30 – after 29 hours away -- a disheveled-looking half of my family arrived home. They’d been to St. George and back. They’d left late (six people piled in Mike’s dad’s truck – which he’d suggested they borrow), stopped for pizza (where Jesse made the mistake of asking for Mike to help him “cut the cheese” on his slice), slept in sleeping bags on the floor of a cousin of their grandpa’s, woken early to get to Abe’s final high school bike meet – state championships (where he chatted at the starting line – unbeknownst to him – with the son of my old elementary-school best friend), climbed a tall . . . thing (???), visited with Mike’s sister and her family (whose son bikes on the Vernal team), climbed boulders in Pioneer Park (a photo opportunity I am loathe to have missed), returned to “Uncle Ed”’s to bid farewell, stopped to do a little shopping (where Anders became the lucky owner of a sweater with a fiercely-growling bear on it and where some winter-themed pajama bottoms were thoughtfully purchased for me), ate all they could possibly manage at Chuck-A-Rama, and . . . drove the five hours back home.

IMG_6720IMG_6724IMG_6730IMG_6734IMG_6739IMG_6740IMG_6747IMG_6749Photo Oct 19, 9 02 50 PMIMG_6761IMG_6772IMG_6776IMG_6787IMG_6789

It was a fast and full adventure and, while all that went claimed it was worth it, I’ve rarely seen such a bedraggled and exhausted-looking crew. They looked ready to collapse, but . . . were in desperate need of showers so bed had to be slightly delayed. When I went to their rooms to tuck them in shortly after prayers, not a one of them was still awake to be tucked. Goldie’s leg wasn’t even on her mattress. They’d all simply collapsed as their bodies began to fall towards their beds.

Photo Oct 13, 2 31 04 AM

(Meanwhile, Daisy and I ate Chinese food and Kneaders raspberry cream-cheese pie, and spent every chance we could – getting the three little ones down for bed or naps so that we could watch Dickens’ Our Mutual Friend and read in a quiet house.)


  1. I told my kids we should yell, " Go, Abe the Babe!" as he rode by (referencing a school nickname from your earlier post). The older kids were horrified, and made me promise not to do it. I'm confident Abe would have appreciated it.

  2. I had so many things to say until I read your last sentence. And now I must know what "Dickens Our Mutual Friend" is. And I want something tasty from Kneader's . . .

    But that Abe is a cutie, as are all your sweet towheads, and it sounds like quite an adventure was had by all.

    I have been road biking for seven weeks now. But I must tell you, every time I have ever gone mountain biking, I end up questioning every decision that led me to that point in time. I am so glad there are people who love it.

    And I laughed at "climbed up a . . . "thing"?"

    1. Yes! I feel the same! (Though I’m intimidated by road biking as well.) But the rocks and the steep drop offs and so forth. All just disaster waiting it seems.

      And Our Mutual Friend was Dicken’s last novel I believe. I haven’t read it, but the show was fun! (Though it took us two of the six episodes to figure out what was going on! :))

  3. Oh! I was wondering how you all got down so far to St. George, and I confess I am relieved you didn't have to go too! Although, of course, it DOES look like a lovely time was had by all. But...the important thing is that you are watching MY FAVORITE MOVIE!! (Or one of them, I must qualify, though it doesn't sound quite as dramatic.) Did you finish it yet??? It is so good! I love Bella's dresses! And dear quiet John! And that nasty piece of work Rogue Riderhood! And glum Venus, who does the right thing in the end. And his lady Pleasant, who does not wish to be regarded in that bony light. And Lizzie Hexam! Oh, and the most darling Boffins. "What do you think of the name Nicodemus, or Noddy?" "Can't say I care much for it." Oh, it's the best. Have you read it? The book is just as good!

    Ah. It just makes me happy to think of you and Daisy having such fun together.

    I think we are going to St. George at Thanksgiving with my mom and cousins. We will definitely have to climb up...a thing. Hahaha.

    1. Yes! We watched it because I’ve been MEANING to since you recommended it long ago! And Daisy has now started the book! I’ll have to read it after her! Such fun! AND, I was going to text you the other day a recently discovered story about one of my ancestors who had a pursuer who was just like the obsessed school master! He intercepted all the letters from the man she loved so that she assumed he’d forgotten her and his promises. In the end his knavery probably did work in our best interest as she ended up marrying my great great grandpa, but the old flame showed up on her wedding day etc! Goodness!

      And St. George for Thanksgiving? This is completely new isn’t it?

  4. There are so many characters, it's hard to figure out the first time! But then you will watch it again after you've read it (or, just watch it again) and it will make more sense and you'll like it even more!

    but goodness! That is awful about your ancestor! Intercepting letters, I can't believe it! I'm afraid with his genes, you'll come to a bad end! :)

    I don't know about St. George. It is weird. I think I would rather just stay here. But...other people have other plans, and I am trying to be agreeable. And I'm sure it will be fine. We can climb up a thing, after all! :)

  5. Yes! It actually did seem to me the sort of thing that a rewatching would be just right for! Having never read it, we were trying for some time to piece together who was who and what was what. So I think, knowing the end, wouldn’t ruin a rewatching and only let me enjoy it more fully!

    And, I should clarify, the dastardly letter-burner is NOT who my great great grandma married, he was simply following her about, writing her poetry, and begging for her hand unsuccessfully. Meanwhile, after assuming her first live had truly forgotten her (having received none of his promises letters), she became acquainted with my great great grandpa and married him. (The first love showed up at her wedding! Demanding why she’d ignored all his letters, etc, And I suppose at that point the unlucky in love 2nd pursuer admitted his role.) But goodness!!!

  6. Well. Thank goodness for that! Your genes remain pure after all. :)
