Friday, October 12, 2018

Pumpkin Picking (By that I meant picking them out, not actually picking them off the stem. It just sounded better than ‘Pumpkin Choosing’.)

It’s a rare thing these days to have everyone home and somewhat available (not bombarded by too much homework or some such), so when Abe announced that his Thursday bike practice was cancelled, I hollered for everyone to grab shoes and jackets, we loaded in the van, called Maddox to order takeout fried chicken and rolls with raspberry butter, and headed off to choose our Halloween pumpkins (and collect our Maddox food on the drive home).

(Who wouldn’t want to hug their pumpkin tight after choosing such a cute, little-sized one!)

(I wisely thought to grab the stroller before leaving, but then someone [I won’t say who . . . only that Abe was on Hans duty] somehow allowed the boy to be set free; and he spent most of the remaining time trying to drag the wagon full of pumpkins out onto Highway 89.)

(Goldie, bless her heart, took the longest time of all choosing her pumpkin. She had a whole line set up and slowly eliminated one after another until she was left with two. And I encouraged this one – as it had a much cooler stem than its competitor.)

And in the end, everyone gathered willingly and posed perfectly for a family photo. (Ha!) And then we drove home, let everyone choose where their pumpkin looked best on the porch, and ate fried chicken. (I feel like there should have been donuts in there. And cider. Hm. Well. Perhaps for carving night.)

(Penny took this rather excellent picture of Anders while I was paying for pumpkins and they were waiting in the van. Bravo, Pen!)


  1. You. and. your. PUMPKINS! I love them. Every year. I think I must have passed this little stand, or one just like it, on my drive up to that golf course race earlier this year. So charming! But the best picture of all is the one of Mette hugging her pumpkin. Sweetest!

    Abe's pictures reminded me of "The Man Who Lost His Head." Have you read it? Same author as Make Way for Ducklings. Cutest illustrations ever.

    Also, whenever I see your pictures I have the strongest urge to go buy boots for all of my kids!

  2. I do just really love a porch full of pumpkins! I keep thinking we need to plant a bunch on Mike’s parents’ land up in Logan so I can cover our porch to my heart’s content without it costing!

    I have never read the man who lost his head book! I will look for it at our library!

    And boots! Yes! Flip flops through half of the year and boots through the rest (to avoid tying shoes). That’s my ideal. But WHERE do all these boots come from?? I don’t actually know to be honest! The older girls have occasionally requested boots for Christmas. But all these cowgirl boots and rain boots and the like? I don’t recall ever buying any of them. I think they’ve all been passed down to me by someone or other. And they are piled up in various styles and sizes about the house!

  3. "And then they all posed willingly" . . . Ha, indeed! That line made me laugh out loud for real. The best thing about pumpkin pictures is that you can't really take a bad one--each one is as perfect and vibrant as the last.

    And now I want raspberry butter from Maddox . . .
