That's sort of what I imagined breaking ground for the house would be.
Only, the kids and I went over on St. Patrick's Day evening. It was cold and windy, and we just went to feed the cows. But then we saw this:
Why, I wondered, was a thin layer of earth completely removed where the house would eventually sit? Surely that couldn't constitute a groundbreaking or a "we've begun digging"? Not with such a small amount skimmed off the top! And not without my even knowing it was happening (and making an appropriate fuss)!
Only then I was reminded that we aren't having a basement (nor even a crawl space) -- just a cement slab foundation. And when I did a little googling AI told me that "for a concrete slab foundation in Logan, UT, you'll typically need to excavate several inches down ...".
And while I do find it questionable that a word as hearty as "excavate" can be used if it is to be followed only with "several inches down", I do think we must conclude that yesterday, St. Patrick's Day 2025, fanfare or not, was the day we broke ground!
And now for a bunch of photos from Sunday evening feeding animals at the farm. Mike took all the kids over--including Daisy who was in town. I wanted to stay home and get Sunday-dinner cleaned up, but I asked Daisy to take my camera and get some photos. She accomplished her task well!
Milling about on the new drive. (It's still in its rough state. It will have a more compacted top layer, but it will just be a dirt drive.) You can see, from the standing water in the area, why they needed the drive put down first before they could get back to where the house will be.To think! Just a week ago this road onto the property didn't even exist!
Goldie and Anders appear to be mortal enemies in a surprising number of these photos.
I'm sure she was teaching Anders a valuable lesson. (Don't mess with your older sister, perhaps?)