Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Starling Home From School

"Mom," Starling said--as she leaned over the cardboard box she was fashioning into a house:

 "Everybody at school loved my dress."

"Oh good," I responded. "That makes me so happy!"

"It makes me so happy too," she said.

We bought her that little cheetah dress for $5 at Wal-Mart yesterday--mostly because I saw it and knew she would wear it. And that girl has very few things she will willingly wear. She has tried to be a little more open-minded about various outfits with the start of the kindergarten, but she was nearly reduced to tears when I pulled out several absolutely darling articles of clothing from an old box of Summer and Mette's the other day and suggested she choose one for school. (It's bad enough that she's had to allow for her hair actually being done most days now.) So, I'm thrilled everyone loved her cheetah-print dress. (Actually, I think only one person told her they liked her dress. Bless that single soul. She knew it must mean everyone did. [Of course they did. Look at her.])

There are over 60 kids in kindergarten at Starling's school this year, and she is one of only about six kindergartner's who opted out of the full day option. I was a little surprised by that. But I'm truly grateful that I am lucky enough to be able to stay at home so that I get to go pick her up at noon each day and bring her back home with me. If she were a more demanding child perhaps I'd feel differently :), but she's truly just an absolutely pleasant and delightful little soul to have about.

Today after school she showed me a little booklet she made at school about her family (she'd drawn all ten kids); then she sat next to me (while I ate watermelon and bacon) and ate the little lunch she insists on packing in the morning and bringing to school (even though she just has to bring it back home); she created a little house out of cardboard and paper (you saw the beginnings above, but by the end it even had "Christmas lights"); painted her nails (as she is quite fond of doing and does shockingly well); jumped on the trampoline; came and practiced counting, writing and sounding out a few simple words with me; and talked Anders (who gets home earlier than the elementary kids) into making her hot cocoa.

This will be a happy little year for the two of us I think.

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