Thursday, April 18, 2024

Conference and Lego Figures

Mette and Starling just came in the front door from biking outside (though Mette is technically home from school sick). 

"Come on!" I heard Mette say to Starling--encouraging her back inside.

"OK," Starling replied. "I'm come onning."

I like "come onning". (And look at this sweater Shannon embroidered for her! Her name plus a little Starling bird!)

And, totally unrelated to all of that: here we are at the cabin over conference weekend. (It was also part of the kids' Spring Break. But, sadly, so cold at the cabin that we hardly got out at all!)
I don't know if we could call all the things that were happening with these markers conference notes exactly. But they were listening to conference as they doodled!
Anders took most of these photos. Thanks Anders!
Penny, for reasons known only to her, felt inspired to create a Lion King knockoff. I love "the oval of life". I will spare you all her pictures of Squidward. (Why Penny? Why?)
This frown was because he caught me trying to take a picture of him sleeping.

In other news:

Superhero school:
And some other trampolining:

And Abe about to tap someone out in a jiu-jitsu competition. I love their expressions. Abe is so calm. I sent this to Goldie, and she responded that it reminded her of those Bernie Sanders memes where he is wearing mittens. I wish I had the photoshop skills to take this picture of Abe and swap his opponent out with a tigers and sharks and so on. 

The kids creating Lego men at the grand re-opening of a tiny Lego store up here:
And here are their finished little people. Daisy took this photo and sent it to Abe as well as to Goldie--asking them to guess who made each figure. Goldie didn't do so well (nor would I have), but Abe somehow guessed nearly every one correctly--only mixing Mette's and Summer's up. How? I do not know.
(Jesse, Penny, Anders, Daisy, Summer, Hans, Mette, Starling.)

And Abe's smarts in deciphering which Lego figure was created by each sibling also transfers nicely to the math field. (Here we have him being honored again at a math banquet, again with his cousin Josie.)

And a few cozy Starlings to end with:

1 comment:

  1. That Abe of yours is going to go far! Exactly how far…only someone as smart as he is can calculate. But I trust it is Very Far Indeed!

    I like frowning Mike. And the trampolining superheros! The best picture is the one of Hans and Starling by the logs and cinderblocks and rocks, like it's the rubble of a building they just demolished (and then piled up again semi-neatly…)
