Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Summer's Birthday

Summer's baby and toddler years played out amidst a flurry of, well, babies and toddlers. Up through age four she was made an older sister practically every year, and nothing seemed more constant, as she developed her life sea legs, than new siblings.

And yet, rather than swiftly catapult my perception of her to ... older (as one might reasonably think it might), this state of affairs kept me comfortably considering her one of the babies. And nothing ever surprises me more than another July 25th rolling around with its accompanying recognition of her age!

And this July 25th she reached SIX YEARS! Six. An age that, even defined most liberally, would still not be considered a baby or toddler at all. 

Well. So be it. I love this little six year old. She's very much her own, unique, little self; and I adore everything about her.

(These first three pictures were taken at the park by Penny -- who took just Summer for a bit of morning birthday fun. The rest of the pictures are from her evening celebrations. Included are the crayon-box cake she asked Goldie to make, and the piƱata Daisy built [that was so sturdy we thought it might never break open at all].)

1 comment:

  1. OH good. The the set. I'm so glad she got it! She's such a dear little thing. I remember when she was born…how has it been 6 years? And those pictures of everyone in the backyard under the outdoor lights! So pretty! You could be out there clipping your toenails and it would seem magical!
