Thursday, August 27, 2015

Other Bits of Life

For all of the talk in my last post of being in a time out from life, I am always a bit shocked and confused by the fact that . . . when BIG things happen – death, trials, new lifethe world doesn’t know to stop. Life doesn’t pause it’s usual demands. Daily living just . . . keeps on happening. It always surprises me. I always feel like EVERYTHING should know to suck in its breath and hold it for awhile.

And yet . . . kids still strap stuffed elephants to their backs (elephant jetpack), the first day of school still comes (9th, 8th, 6th, 3rd, and 1st), toddlers still dump everything out of cupboards.

Photo Aug 01, 7 45 45 PMPhoto Aug 01, 1 35 53 PMPhoto Aug 01, 7 43 45 PMPhoto Aug 02, 8 29 59 AM (1)Photo Aug 02, 8 30 28 AM (1)Photo Aug 05, 4 39 32 PMPhoto Aug 05, 5 00 24 PMPhoto Aug 02, 10 37 28 AMPhoto Aug 08, 4 59 08 PMPhoto Aug 09, 8 42 17 PMPhoto Aug 11, 6 23 14 PMPhoto Aug 11, 7 26 52 PMPhoto Aug 12, 3 19 36 PMPhoto Aug 12, 8 49 27 AMPhoto Aug 12, 12 12 01 PMPhoto Aug 13, 3 06 01 PMPhoto Aug 13, 7 05 26 PMPhoto Aug 19, 11 53 14 AMPhoto Aug 22, 5 37 48 PMPhoto Aug 22, 5 03 01 PMPhoto Aug 23, 6 07 48 PMPhoto Aug 25, 6 52 50 AMPhoto Aug 25, 8 22 24 AMPhoto Aug 25, 3 43 39 PMPhoto Jul 30, 8 57 01 AMPhoto Jul 31, 5 40 04 PM

So yes, I’ve been on a pause from much of real life. And Mette has come – changing the world. And yet, life just sucks you in, gives you a quick nod of acknowledgement, “Yes. You are big. You have changed everything. Welcome to you. Now hold on tight. ‘Cause there is living to be done here.”, and rushes on.

Photo Aug 18, 9 29 59 AMPhoto Aug 19, 3 55 46 PM (2)Photo Aug 21, 9 19 16 AMPhoto Aug 20, 12 59 51 PMPhoto Aug 21, 11 41 55 AMPhoto Aug 21, 11 42 36 AMPhoto Aug 21, 11 42 42 AMPhoto Aug 21, 11 42 45 AM (1)Photo Aug 21, 11 42 54 AMPhoto Aug 22, 4 51 07 PMPhoto Aug 22, 10 19 04 AMPhoto Aug 22, 5 34 53 PMPhoto Aug 24, 9 02 43 AMPhoto Aug 22, 10 19 08 AMPhoto Aug 24, 9 02 47 AMPhoto Aug 23, 10 59 09 AMPhoto Aug 23, 11 00 12 AMPhoto Aug 24, 9 27 41 AMPhoto Aug 25, 12 22 55 PMPhoto Aug 24, 9 27 46 AMPhoto Aug 24, 9 34 34 AMPhoto Aug 24, 9 38 26 AMPhoto Aug 26, 3 18 59 PMPhoto Aug 26, 8 30 33 AMPhoto Aug 26, 3 19 03 PM


  1. I'm so sad that I won't get to snuggle Mette before she turns into not a newborn. Daisy looks like a full grown woman in that photo in the purple shirt! And looking at all of your kids together makes me feel completely in awe and wonder. I love them all so much!

  2. "Yes. You are big. Welcome to you."


    We have managed to offset our children almost perfectly. Except that we do both have 1st graders. Heaven help us! :)

    I also want you to know that I occasionally trip on "Mette" in context of "Jesse." Knowing what I now know about his name, I start to say "Mett" or "Jess-eh." Not really. But just for a second. :)

  3. darn cute, the new sweet babe, all the babes, the baby/mom face-to-face,the babies face-to-face, the whole beautiful family and kiddos ready for school...sooo darn sweet and cute! Congrats again, happy mom :)
