Saturday, October 1, 2011

Last Post

Well . . . not like last post EVER . . . just, I’ve had enough of this posting every single day ‘til baby comes. I realize I may only be cutting it one day short, but truly, I’ve had so many labor “symptoms” for so long, that I never would have guessed, when I started this silly business, that I would truly still be here long after my due date. I know I’m getting started in two days time, but it still makes me feel frustrated and like crying that I must always go on and on past my due date.

Anyway, you’ll all just have to guess as to whether baby came on its own Sunday or by induction Monday (which, I am thinking seems pretty darn likely at this point) until my next post which will only appear when and if I’ve got a baby and pictures of him to prove it at the ready!!!!

Last night was great with my sisters. Today would have been ideal with them all still here for a baby to come, but the fates aren’t with me. I’ve been praying that he could finish whatever little goodbyes and what not he needs to up in heaven and make his way here . . . but . . . what do I know. Maybe he’ll be right in the middle of a very important goodbye on Monday when I force him here against his will . . . but that’s what he gets for growing so big! Smile

In the mean time, I do love conference with my kids. Like I’ve said, I don’t know that they yet listen to a single word, but they love gathering their little printed pictures and blankets and the like around the TV for each session, and it makes me happy. Here three of them were this morning. They don’t look like they are maybe totally listening to the talks, but I did read recently that doodling often allows people to retain more and listen better because it stops them from daydreaming. I don’t know how true that is, you could probably be doodling your day dreams, but it made me happy because I always doodle while I listen to things, and I think I do listen well whilst I am . . . so . . .



  1. I think you're going to have the baby between sessions of General Conference tomorrow and you'll be ready to watch when you're done! :)

  2. Oh Nancers - would you have that baby already?! I can't believe this - the suspense is killing me!!! Please little baby - give your mama a break and just make an appearance already.
