Thursday, June 5, 2008

Bless Your Heart Summer Reading Program

Daisy is at about the same reading level ending kindergarten as Abe was when he ended last year, however, by the start of first grade he had improved tremendously, and I was trying to think how I’d kept him reading so much all summer. They both had the same kindergarten teacher and she insists they fill out a little reading log of what they read for 15 minutes each day. I love that because it turns my good intentions (wanting to make them practice daily but often getting sidetracked) into real action because they have to turn in their little log each week. Anyway, once we are in the busyness of summer I’ve been worried I wouldn’t stay consistent with them. Then I remembered just how Abe improved so much last summer: the local library summer reading program.

They get little booklets with cute little things for them to color in every time they read 20 minutes. Each time they fill in 15 things (that’s 5 hours of reading) they get to take their booklets to the library to get a prize. Now, my friend in Vegas has told me about their library program and they give away things like passes to water parks. Hello! Ours are more like the type of things you might find in a Happy Meal, but it doesn’t matter. It’s enough. I can’t stop them from reading they want those prizes so bad. They got their books yesterday. Abe was upset because I told him he couldn’t read for 3 hours straight because he had to do some other things that day. Daisy read for an entire HOUR out loud to Goldie. True, Goldie was basically moaning and thrashing about in misery on the floor before Daisy was finished, but they pressed through -- all for the chance to get a few steps closer to a little slinky or possibly a miniature purse. Hooray for summer reading!

P.S. Here is a cool little thing Abe wrote after his fieldtrip to the Zoo recently.


  1. Sweet story by Abe. Funny, Quiad has been bugging me for a week non-stop to let him go signup for the library summer reading program. I keep telling him not to panic, but he insists we are going to miss it. Amazing that your kids read for so long. Meg does that, but Quaid gets bored quickly unless it is a mystery. Not many mystery's around for kindergarten reading level. :(

  2. how funny that you should mention this! i just this morning went to the library and signed all my kids up for the reading program! you also get a small prize each week (you have to read 3 hours/week) and are entered into a drawing for larger prizes.

    nice story that abe wrote! he has super good handwriting. you should see how bad addie's is. she can write a lot of things but she has such confidence in herself that she writes (her name especially) a hundred miles per hour and it looks atrocious.

  3. OK that was awesome! What a clever little man! That was so cute!!! And he writes really well. O how fun when he and Con can write together.

  4. O yeah and I love "bless your heart summer reading program" and that Nicole's link being titled "Meg's Nicole"

  5. I love Abe's story, it makes me miss being a teacher a bit. (Only a bit though, mind you!) That's cool that your kids love to read so much and you're helping them to keep it up during the summer. I would have loved you to be the parent of one of my kids or have one of your kids in my class. Of course that would mean you'd have to live in the ghetto in North Las Vegas, so maybe not!

  6. Hey Nance, are you seriously moving back? Can I interest you in some real estate in Shadow Valley? Shan is going to end up there too you know...

  7. Kell!! Yes, we are coming back at the end of Summer!! The market here is terrible so I'm not sure we can even sell our house, so we might be living in a shack or a boxcart or some such, but if Shadow Valley has any of those, I'm totally there!! Yippee!!
