Sunday, April 27, 2008

City Chickens

We have lived the city life for nearly 3 years now (ok, we actually don't live in the city at all, rather a very small town surrounded by farms. Still, we live in a sub-division and have no land of our own, so it seems city-ish) so, it is decided: while we must live in the city, we will no longer live of the city . . . as evidenced by Mike's Saturday purchase:
That's right, those are baby chicks, and they will soon grow into egg laying hens (don't tell Goldie that though, she gets super mad if anyone ever suggests that she, any of her siblings, or even baby chicks might ever grow up . . . in fact she cried for almost an hour the other day because she saw some video footage from when she was one and it broke her heart that she could never be one again).

Anyway, I must clear my husband of any wrong doing here by admitting that I have actually missed our chickening days. I remember sitting out in our old spacious yard with my sister and our kids while two old hens strutted boldly around us trying to get at any food we had. Megan gave them names and always insisted they were listening for gossip to take back to the coop, and I remember how oddly watched I felt when one would fly up to our front yard and stare in the front window at us. I don't know, I guess I've grown fond of the birds. I remember Mike once trying to find something online that would tell him what to do about our rooster crowing so loudly in the mornings. He found little and was surprised as he figured that all the urban dwelling chicken owners would have figured something out. I laughed at the idea that any urban dwellers would own chickens . . . and now, here we are. I think it will be fun to give city chickens a try.


  1. It is and Mike were destined for each other! If Rod brought home chickens, I would be like "Chicken This" and off I'd go. Do you sense that I'm not too much of an animal lover.

    But I do love that other people love animals and I will vicariously share your joy through the blog.

    They are very cute though... and the kids look very happy.

  2. good for you! :) i'm not going to show cole those pictures or he's going to be asking why we can't have "city chickens" too! :)

    i want you to know that some of my favorite memories are when we first moved in our house in n.o. (aka in your backyard). it was summer, so we slept with our windows open. the first morning that rooster woke us, jas and i looked at each other and were like, "what? are you kidding me?" but then it sort of became familiar, and yes, sort of nice. :) (i guess because we're morning people :) and i liked feeling "country-ish" -- :))

  3. How long will it take for them to grow into egg-laying hens? I think they are so cute as little chicks, but I am not sure that I would like the chickens as much. You are such a fun wife and mom!

  4. Jami, I'm glad to hear that because I know Culley was pretty much ready to come over and kill our "baaing" goats everyday . . . and we thought, well, for heaven's sakes!! So I'm glad someone appreciated living behind us!!

    Rhonda, I think, sadly, that they will leave their tiny chick stage pretty fast. I think it would be like if you hated computers but you married Greg . . . sooner or later, just because you love him, you'd start to care for his silly little computers (only who would ever hate computers?? So you got pretty lucky with the hobby your husband enjoys!!)

  5. nance - just for the record - I'm stakey, not ward. Things are a bit different and come fall I'll be like twiddling my thumbs and such. Its just crazy time for me now. But I truly love it and I love the ladies I serve and I'm learning to love teenagers - my own included.

    And, yes, the only good pet is someone else's.

  6. great post, sister. i'm so glad mike finally got to have some chickens. hopefully you will have a fridge full of eggs soon. nice that you can make mike happy and also be more provident. i am all about preparing lately! cute pics. love you!

  7. So where you are living is the these are suburban chickens. Or rather, wanna-be city chickens. I'm interested to see how they fair. It's too funny that Mike couldn't resist the urge to buy another least he got one that will be useful and lay some eggs?

    I also must say that is hilarious about Goldie being all sad when anyone grows up. I thought only adults got sad about kids growing up (with the exception of me...I'm always plenty happy to have a baby or an eight year old, but I could have lived without the three year old phase).

  8. HA, that is totally true . . they are only suburban chickens. True city chickens would have to live in a high-rise or a flat or some other more city-ish thing. Dang, I probably have to change the title of my post now and Suburb Chickens doesn't sound as cool.

  9. It's funny that your are posting about chickens because I was just about to post on our pet chickens that we had when I was little. Beware of dogs, we are convinced that was how ours met it's eventual demise.

  10. I hope the city chickens don't tease them. "What are you going to do? Beat me up? You're just a weak subruban chicken and we all know suburban chickens are chicken...!"

  11. I love that you are in the city but not of the city...
    You are funny and witty love the post
    Love goldies meltdowns about growing up

  12. Oooo... I do remember those chickens...Diana and Barbara were their names. Naughty little gossips they were... I do kindof miss them. So maybe we will have some chicks. Well probably they will be eaten first thing. EX that.

  13. Will this be like the story of the country mouse and the city mouse then? Maybe, those chicks who were initially country chicks will long for their home in the country and up and (well, not fly) scurry away back to the country. Those rough cities (even if it is a quiet subdivision) are too much for little chicks of the country. I just hope it all works out is all I'm sayin', but don't be surprised if you wake up one morning and your country bumkins have fown the coop.
